First of all, if you haven't read the comments in the previous post, Gym Thoughts, you really need to do so. There were some very entertaining entries about "interesting" gifts you all have received through the years. I guarantee the stories will make you laugh. Or at least chortle. And if you want to add your very own chortle-worthy entry? Well, that would be great!
Now moving along into the future, I want to mention a few noteworthy dates coming up this week.
Sunday, May 10 Mother's Day
I will never forget when Nathan was about six years old and began to more completely understand the idea of honoring Moms and doing nice things for them on their day. He pondered the whole concept for a few minutes (pondering must be hereditary) and then asked me with great earnestness, "Do you think they'll ever have Boy Day?"
Boy Day. I love it.
Wednesday, May 13 Steve's Birthday
Is it possible that I could be married to a man who is in his fifties? Surely not! I met him when I was only seventeen and he was twenty-two; how could he possibly be fifty-two already? I must say though, that he is one of the youngest 52-year olds I've ever met--in his appearance, his sense of adventure, and his outlook on life. I think Steve is one of those guys who will NEVER be old!
Which is just one of the many reasons I love him! He keeps me young! (Well, youngish.)
Saturday, May 16 Six Month "Anniversary" of Being Between Pastorates
I haven't written a lot about this subject but I'm sure you all have read between the lines of the things I DO write about. You no doubt already realize that six months without a paycheck, six months without a place to belong, six months without nearby friends, six months of not knowing where we're headed, six months of not knowing where we're going to live or where Sarah will go to school, etc. all take their toll.
And a toll has been taken. A toll is being taken.
We have important deadlines looming, like getting Nathan re-enrolled for his sophomore year by a certain (soon coming) date. Can't do that without money. We have no house buyers on the horizon, which is just a tad worrisome. We frankly feel like a "family with no country" and six months is a long time to be in such complete and total limbo. We're lonely and displaced and sometimes even feel a bit misplaced.
Some of you might even be wondering by this point, "Well, is there some sort of Big Black Blot on Steve's resume'? Is that why he can't find a new church?"
Well, let me explain it this way. Steve is ordained with the Assemblies of God; in that denomination, the overseers of each state are called District Superintendents. Steve's resume' contains glowing recommendations from not just one District Superintendent (which would be an honor in itself) but THREE! It also contains recommendations from well known pastors in North and South Carolina. (Which is where we're hoping to stay.) So nope, no Big Black Blots anywhere! Just a long, slow, and sometimes very discouraging process.
So would you mind if I asked you a favor? Since this week contains some important Smith dates, can we make this a "pray for the Smiths" week? Maybe each time you pray over a meal, or right before you go to sleep, or when you're sitting at a stoplight, will you just say a quick prayer for us? We can't remain where we are indefinitely and we desperately need to experience God's direction very soon. If you'll pray, would you sign the guest book and let us know? That would be so encouraging for us. Thanks in advance.
And the LAST event of the week?
Sunday, May 17 Sarah Celebrates Seven Years of Being a Cancer Survivor!
There will be lots more about that later.
In closing, since Mother's Day will arrive in just a few hours, I'll sign off with a picture of the only two people on the planet who call me Mom. And I love them both more than words can say.