I’m headed to Greenville today for a doctor’s appointment so I don’t have time to write a long post; however, you’ll be happy to know that Snowy has volunteered to write a post in my place. How exciting is that?
Before I go, let me give you a preview of the Hurricane Stories that are still to come.
You may remember this picture of Sarah and Taylor, taken at Sarah’s birthday party—two happy friends celebrating a happy day.
Well, Sarah and Taylor have recently learned that real friends stick close to together in happy times and in tough times—one of those tough times being the fact that Taylor’s family was one of the many families flooded out of their home by Hurricane Irene. Over the past few days, they have gone through the process of throwing many of their their ruined belongings away and completely moving everything else out of their home into storage.
Sarah has stuck right there with Taylor through it all—their friendship growing sweeter and stronger through this hardship.
I’ll have more stories to tell about Taylor’s inspiring family in the days to come.
Also, some of you may have seen this picture in national news coverage about the hurricane. (Sorry, I have no idea who took it.) I have a story about that picture, as well.
But for now, I am headed out the door to yet another cancer follow-up visit, leaving you with a blog post written entirely by my intelligent and highly verbal dog. Snowy, take it away!
Hi. Snowy here.
I thought I’d go ahead and write a blog for my mom since she is very occupied right now with goin’ hither. And yon. And other places not included in hither. And also yon.
So. What does one blog about when one is taking over for one’s blogging mom? Hmmm . . . this is not quite as easy as I thought it would be.
Oh yeah. I know! I know! I’ve got something! Oooh, oooh! Pick me! Pick me!
Have you heard the news? Word on the street is that my big brother got married a month ago. Yep! He sure did! Isn’t that so incredibly exciting?
Oh wait. You heard that already?
Well, that’s okay, I guess. I don’t really like talking about the subject much anyway because (this is painful for me to admit), I did not even receive my own personal invitation in the mail. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, as hard as this may be to believe, I was not even invited to Nathan’s nuptials.
But I’m not bitter. Much.
No, instead of giving into bitter doggie feelings, I have opted to take the high road. I have opted to dedicate myself to worthwhile and laudable pursuits such as blogging to give my mom a break. Such as examining the front porch for signs of yummy food items dropped by unsuspecting Smith people. What can I say? I’m a busy dude.
Speaking of which, I also stay quite busy surveying my domain for signs of neighborhood drama—you know, like boisterous birds and sassy squirrels and such.
By the way, does this pose make my . . . um . . . behiney, look . . . er . . . chubby? (I seem to have put on a few pounds since reaching the sunset side of middle age.)
It does make me look chubby? Well, how embarrassing is that? Ahem. Let me just, um, whip around and try to find a better side to present to you.
Whipping around . . .
Still whipping . . .
Ahhh. Is that better?
Wait. What’s that you say? I have ended up right back in the same position where I started?
Oh dear. This is so humiliating. And right on that world wide web thingie, and everything. Whatever are Mom’s readers going to think of me now?
Give me just a minute to reconnoiter. And also reconsider. And also reposition my cute self.
There. How’s that?
I always feel that one can’t go wrong when one is displaying a flattering view of one’s fine flank, especially when the aforementioned flank view features a preponderance of magnificent, rippling muscles.
What’s that, you say? You don’t see any rippling muscles?
Well, la-de-da. Let me just stand up right here and tell you a thing or two about muscles. I got muscles, I tell you. I am ripped! I am ripped with rippling muscles! I am the envy of all pit bulls and German shepherds! And also, um, toy poodles.
Look at me! Look at me from this angle! Look, I say!
And also this angle! I am a muscular macho doggie from every angle. Do you hear me?
Macho, I tell you! Hear me roar! (Um. Sorry for the odor. I forgot to brush my teeth this morning.)
Okay. I’m done now.
But let me just add that roaring is a lot of hard work. Ripplin’ and roarin’ is not half as easy I make them look. I mean, look at me. My tongue’s hangin’ out, and everything!
But it’s okay. I will rise above!
Or sink below, as the case may be.
At any rate, I really think that I should just forget all that ol’ roaring, ripping stuff and take up blogging as a full time profession. I seem to be really, really good at it. In fact, I am so good, I think it’s time for me to have an official promo shot. What do you think?
I don’t know about you, but I personally think I am one good lookin’ dog!
(Did I just say that out loud?)
Aw, shucks.
Well, anyway, even though it’s been awful nice talking with you, I’ve got to admit that all this thinking and writing and blogging is hard work for me. And also displaying my muscles is hard work. And also lying on the porch in the sun is really, really, um, hard.
So I’d better go have a nap.
This is Snowy. Signing off.