Before showing the morningscape of Manteo (for new readers, Manteo is the town in North Carolina where I live), let me just mention that I'm linking up today with Kelly at Kelly's Korner who is featuring "older bloggers."
And that's really sort of funny because just a couple days ago, I was mentioned on the wonderful Pennington Point as being an older blogger. Lisa Pennington is one of my favorite bloggers so if you haven't been by her blog, you need to do so.
(But please finish reading this post before you go. Thank you.)
But since being dead is the only alternative to being older, I am more than happy to be residing in these middle-aged years. (I'll be fifty in March, if anyone is wondering.)
Alrighty then. If you're a new reader from Kelly's Korner or The Pennington Point, it's nice to meet you. I hope you stop by again soon and hear all about what it's like to be . . . um . . . older.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a gray hair to pluck. (From my chin, not my head.)
I hope you enjoyed your peaceful tour through a Manteo Morningscape.
The blog designer who was working on it for me ran into some technical glitches having to do with the template I’m using. Then her sister was put in the hospital and then her whole family got the flu.
So. We continue to wait. (And waiting is not one of my gifts.)
It could be possible that she won’t be able to get it installed the way it should be, in which case I may have to make a few changes (possibly switch to Wordpress from Blogger) to facilitate having this particular commenting system up and running. It’s a system which I know we all love because it provides the chance to not just comment on my posts but also comment on each others’ comments as well which is a really cool way to build on the wonderful Smithellaneous community we already have.
As always, thank you for stopping by here today; I appreciate my wonderful readers more than you can ever know.