On Steve’s day off last Friday he decided to do replace the faucet in Sarah’s bathroom. (Which also doubles as the guest bathroom.)
I had moved all the stuff out from under the bathroom sink to give him room to work and I had also piled some clean laundry outside the bedroom that needed to be put away. Doesn’t all the chaos made for such a poignant pictorial presentation?

After Steve had been working for a while he hollered out to me, “Honey, will you please come here and help me with something?”
I forthwith appeared obediently in the bathroom, curious as to what sort of Important Plumbing Task I might possibly be entrusted with.
As it turned out, Steve had disconnected the sink trap, which is the “elbow” looking thing that can be found under a sink.
From my (limited) understanding, a sink trap somehow keeps sewer gases from leaking back up into the house and also collects yucky water consisting of tooth brushing spit and other assorted, um, stuff. (Technical explanation there.) That basically means that the water in a sink trap would not normally be described as pristine. By any stretch of the imagination.
Also, as it turns out, when a sink trap is removed, it has to be held carefully upright because a good bit of the aforementioned icky water will remain in the trap.
And so. When Steve called so plaintively for my help, it was because he was lying under the sink on his back like this . . .
. . . and was carefully holding the plastic elbow thingie upright so that none of yucky water would spill out.
As I bent down to take the sink trap from him, he proceeded to instruct me in his most knowledgeable, sonorous, and manly tones, “Becky, just take this trap over to the toilet, dump the water out and bring it back to me.”
I carefully retrieved it from his outstretched hands while all the while saying to myself, “Hmmm. It appears as though Steve isn’t thinking very clearly right now. Otherwise, why would he tell me to walk all the way across the bathroom to dump nasty water when there is a perfectly good sink right here in front me?”
And so, feeling especially pleased with myself for being so efficient and proactive in my Plumber’s Assistant Career, I leaned forward and happily dumped that ol’ slimy water right down the drain. As I did so I blithely inquired, “Steve, why would you want me to walk over and dump this is in the toilet when there is a sink right here in front of . . . .“
Then I trailed off miserably and said, “Oh. Right.”
There was silence in the bathroom for about five seconds. (Well, I should say that there was silence except for the squelchy sounds of Steve’s head squishing around in the cascading water he’d been so recently baptized in.)
And then? After the silence?
There were five minutes of hysterical laughter. Which were followed by me asking my (very patient) husband, “Does that mean that I’m fired as your helper?”
And I’m sad to report that I really was fired. Sort of.
It appears to me, though, that firing no longer means what it used to mean back in the day. Because somehow, even in my Officially Fired State, I was still summoned throughout the day by my Prince Charming Plumber Husband to hand him things or hold things while he worked on various projects.
So what’s a girl gotta do around here to get herself fired for real? I mean, look at my working conditions! I have to work with a man who spends his time pretending that the old faucet paraphernalia is growing out of his. . . . nose?
Oh well. I think I’ll keep him. He doesn’t eat much and he’s really good help around the house.
I did manage to get a few pictures of The Couple yesterday as they were doing dishes after lunch. When they are together they are truly too cute for words.
Today, my gathered extended family is working together to plan my birthday meal. (My birthday is actually tomorrow but since Steve’s parents have to leave in the morning we’re celebrating tonight.)
I’m looking forward to good food, good fun . . . and lots of good opportunities to take pictures!
Mary H. asked about the date of the wedding.
It will be in Florida on July 23rd .
Katie said, “Post who's recipes u use!!”
Katie, I actually already used three of the recipes this weekend; however, I’d prefer not specify which ones so that no one feels left out of the Recipe Round Up. :-) I WILL say that I have plans to try all the recipes that came in over the next couple of weeks because the ones we’ve had so far have been great.
Lynn asked, Did you think this (proposal) would happen so soon? Do they plan a long engagement?'”
Nathan and Meagan have been talking about marriage for quite a while now so the proposal really wasn’t a surprise to anyone. Although the engagement seems short (4 1/2 months), the wedding has actually been on the horizon for much longer.
Kim asked, Did you redo the shower door trim? as I thought before it had gold trim and now it appears to be a more modern silver? Actually, the shower door trim has always been silver; it probably just looks different in different lighting and depending on whether or not I use the flash.
Steve has plans to somehow dress up the shower stall without having to replace it; I think one of those plans is to paint the trim a color which will match our new faucets. (Which is brushed bronze.)

Jodi asked, “Does Nathan want to find a job first? What is his major? Where will the wedding be? I am guessing Megan's Dad and Steve will officiate?”
Nathan will continue to work at Chick-Fil-A for the forseeable future but will always be keeping his eyes open for other opportunities. His major is in Human Services.
As for who will officiate, Steve and Meagan’s dad won’t be doing it. That’s sort of a nice thing because it lets them relax and enjoy the day and also allows them to sit with their wives during the ceremony.
And speaking of who will be participating, Meagan has asked Sarah to be a bridesmaid! Sarah is so excited about that; she has wanted to be in someone’s wedding her whole life. I’m sure I’ll cry over her walking up the aisle in all her finery as much as I will over Nathan and Meagan.
Looks like it might be time to buy stock in the Kleenex corporation.