This sort of thing isn't seen at our house just every day.
Folded underwear, that is.
Since Meagan has been staying with us, she's been helping with the laundry. I have never before seen such precisely folded piles of clean laundry in my life. And I have never before seen folded underwear.
She'll be leaving on Monday and now my family is no doubt going to be plunged into the depths of depression as we adjust to the absence of her precision folding. (I'm more of a "flinger of laundry into the corner" person myself.)
Along with dish doing and laundry folding, we also put Meagan (and Nathan and Sarah) to work this past week painting a wall in our living room in our ongoing attempts to make the house more attractive to buyers.
In this picture Nathan is snapping his fingers and preparing to whistle the Jeopardy theme song in an attempt to get Meagan to move out of his way. He whistles the Jeopardy theme song simply because he knows it annoys her.
He's such a nice boyfriend.
Then he stopped snapping and just concentrated on whistling.
Of course, the longer he whistled, the longer she decided not to move.
She is such a nice girlfriend.
While the painting was being done, the living room stuff got moved to the dining room. And since I had a new and unusually placed collection of stuff in the house, I had to take a picture!
The Painting Women, huddling together to try and decide how to best ignore Nathan and his annoying ways.
Here's the wall before
Here's the wall after
And here's a picture of Nathan, just because I think he looks sorta cute.
Okay, that's enough excitement for today!
In a couple hours, our family (and Meagan) will be headed to Charlotte to spend the night with Steve's parents and then do the morning service at the church in Mooresville that was our home church when Sarah was in treatment.
I hope that my back discomfort stays semi, sort of, somewhat bearable on the trip and more importantly, that there will be plenty of opportunities for chocolate consumption along the way.
While the painting was being done, the living room stuff got moved to the dining room. And since I had a new and unusually placed collection of stuff in the house, I had to take a picture!
The Painting Women, huddling together to try and decide how to best ignore Nathan and his annoying ways.
Here's the wall before
Here's the wall after
And here's a picture of Nathan, just because I think he looks sorta cute.
Okay, that's enough excitement for today!
In a couple hours, our family (and Meagan) will be headed to Charlotte to spend the night with Steve's parents and then do the morning service at the church in Mooresville that was our home church when Sarah was in treatment.
I hope that my back discomfort stays semi, sort of, somewhat bearable on the trip and more importantly, that there will be plenty of opportunities for chocolate consumption along the way.