Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Grumpy OBX-er.


This is a bumper sticker that is displayed around here a lot—not just by people who live here but also by people who visit from all over the country. So if you ever happen to be driving along in your part of the world and see someone sporting this sticker, be sure to smile at them and wave wildly in our honor. (Which, of course, will totally confuse them. But that’s okay.)

And speaking of people visiting from all over the country, it’s cool to read comments saying that some of you:

  • Have visited the OBX
  • Are thinking of visiting somewhere down the road
  • Are definitely visiting this summer

How fun is that?

And since we’re on that particular topic, I thought that this would be a good time to revisit something I wrote last year.

Steve and I love meeting new people and making new friends and we would be delighted to meet any of you who are planning a trip to our lovely area.

However, it does put us in a bit of an awkward situation because even though we might be aware that a Smithellaneous reader is coming here, we really have no idea whether or not said reader would even be remotely interested in meeting us. I realize that it might not be too terribly exciting to try and have to make room for “Meeting Those Smithellaneous Folks” on your vacation To Do List when you have so many other cool things to do.

So here’s the deal. Even though we might know you’re planning a trip here, we are going to assume that you are perfectly happy vacationing out here without being contacted by a blogging OBX-er.

However, if one or two of you should find it mildly intriguing to meet up with us, we will leave that decision entirely up to you. You’re welcome to shoot an email to smithellaneous AT yahoo.com and let me know when you’ll be here and that you’d like to try and get together. We’ll do our best to work it out to meet you for a piece of pie (or something less caloric) at one of our local eateries.

We’re already looking forward to meeting for the first time two of our wonderful Smithellaneous readers (a mother and daughter from England) who will be here in June. It’s so much fun to meet people from all over!

(By the way, Buff left a comment yesterday about fun things to do on the OBX; I copied it to the bottom of yesterday’s post to make it a bit more visible.)

In my next post, I’ll be writing about our very own Royal Couple, AKA Nathan and Meagan. You won’t want to miss it.

I’ll close with a few pictures of this area from my archives, just in case you‘re in need of a quick, virtual vacation. (And aren’t we all?)

IMG_0265 _DSC0053 _DSC0055 IMG_0122 IMG_0143 IMG_0234 IMG_0237

And lastly? Here’s Snowy, the Grumpy OBX-er.


13 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):

Anonymous said...

I thought you were the Grumpy OBX-er and was waiting for the expanation. So why is Snowy grumpy?

So glad you all were safe in the storms!

Love deb

Jenna said...

Hi Becky,
Please know that the same goes both ways. If you are ever in Alberta, Canada please know that I'd love to welcome you and have a visit and show you around!

It would be a dream for me to be able to visit your breathtakingly beautiful part of the world. However, my health issues limit me from being able to fly and even driving trips more than a few hours from home are not possible for me.

And so, I content myself to get to "see" your beautiil Outer Banks through your photos. The ocean is my passion and so I especialy love those photos!! Especially since we are having one of the latest springs I can remember- it was snowing yesterday still- I just practically inhale the beauty and can just about imagine myself actually there!

Thank you for sharing the beauty of your corner with all of us!


Guerrina said...

Oh, to see the Atlantic down your way! I love the photo of Snowy heading into the wind! Stand firm, Snowy, stand firm!

Anonymous said...

I don't want to visit the OBX. Rather, I want you to adopt me so I can live there permanently! It looks so gorgeous. I figure with Nathan starting a household of his own, he won't need his bedroom much anymore, right? I promise to keep it tidy ;-)

janet said...

I always enjoy your pictures--whether they be of your beautiful family, the scenic area you live in, or just something you thought was interesting. I am not a photographer--in fact I haven't even owned a camera since 35 mm cameras were "in". But I was wondering--what do you do with all of the "pictures". I think I read they are stored on memory cards (?), but how do you keep them organized? Say, six months from now, if you wanted to remember where the picture of Sarah on the beach with the green shirt was--how would you find it?

I guess you can tell by the question that I have too much time on my hands and really need to find a hobby!!!


Anonymous said...

One of my favorite Outer Banks destinations is Ortegaz, right there in Manteo. Fantastic food, wonderful service, and fair prices!

Lisa from Georgia said...

Tell your wonderful readers Thanks for help!! I have them written down. And, I would love to meet you. You know we both have a Sarah. You may remember that my Sarah is in Heaven. I live vicariously through yours. I do have a healthy, happy Marin who old just turned 16 and went to her first prom. (See pics on FB under Lisa Landrum) You will see my face in my new profile picture which is me with son, Jacob and Marin. Some people told me I looked sad and I know I was thinking that my Sarah should have been in that picture with us. I don't usually share that though...hmmmm.

Rachel said...

I second the adoption comment! -- It is my dream to live there... but alas... le sigh.

I will add to the commenter from the last post as a veteran OBX'er (we travel to the Banks and stay in Nags Head for 2 weeks each summer -- 6 weeks from Sunday - woot!);

Favorite eateries -- Tortugas Lie, The Nags Head Pier House Restaurant and Barefoot Bernies

Favorite Thing to Do -- Lay on the beach, walk on the beack, BE ON THE BEACH... for real though, it's vacation ;)

Favorite OTHER things to do -- Horseback riding on the beach in Hatteras was expensive ($100 per person) but AMAZING. Visiting the lighthouses. Jockey's Ridge, Nags Head Woods, Wild horse tours in Corolla.

Favorite shopping spots -- The Duck Waterfront Shops, Manteo (the Christmas shop and the Manteo Bookstores are the BEST!), Kitty Hawk Kites

Other than that, I know we really love it because we go every year at the same time and we see a lot of the same faces. OBX is a community not only of the people who live there, but of the vacationers who go year after year as well. Many of the people who work there remember us from years before and I just love that!

Anonymous said...

I agree with Rachel. MY favorite thing to do is just be on the beach...I hunt sea glass for hours looking through shells...
But for someone who has never been and like to do the "tourist" thing, there are lots of things to do!
My favorite part of the beach is Hatteras Island...and yes, take a day and spend in Ocracoke!

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