Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday Faves

This past Monday, Nathan's future mom-in-law, Sheri, wrote this post, which I absolutely loved. And since Steve and I are going shopping for my own dress this Friday, I've got my bargain-huntin' shoes on!

Also, Jon Acuff,a funny guy who I love to read, posts a more serious post every Wednesday; I thought this one was especially good. It's called, "The Problem With Punctuation."

And lastly, I didn't find this picture soon enough to include it in yesterday's post about Nathan "trying on manhood" but I couldn't resist posting it today.

Is this kid cute, or what? And he was rockin' suits, even way back then.

5 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):

Love Being A Nonny said...

Love Jon Acuff!! And, love this cutie in his suit! Good luck finding your dress...It was one of the hardest parts of my children getting married. I finally realized it was not about ME. No one would really remember what I had on. It sure made things a lot easier after that. (But I still wore SPANX!:))

Anonymous said...

Happy Hunting! May you find the perfect dress at the perfect price!! For all 3 of my children's weddings, I found the perfect dress...on the bargain rack :)

Jessica Kramasz said...

Oh man is he cute, cute, cute. What a little man!

Anonymous said...

Love the red socks! Such a fashion statement!
Jan in Toledo

Anonymous said...

I don't recall seeing Overall Boys before... just the Sunbonnet Babies... You certainly have a wonderful antique quilt most especially with that wee airplane!

mrs pam