I'm just wondering if ours is the only garage in the world that mysteriously transforms its contents from neat and orderly SMALL piles into horrifically large and disorganized piles? Overnight?
A few months ago we had a yard sale. We got rid of tons and tons and TONS of things. The garage looked great. In fact, it looked so great that I was tempted to have a party just so that people could stand around and admire it.
Does the garage look great now? HA!
So early tomorrow morning before the southern heat wallops us upside the head, Steve and I are going to venture out there and do some serious cleaning and organizing. I made him set off a bug bomb last night so that I would not be lurched upon by any mammoth, furry spiders in the process. I don't know. There's something about encountering large and leering spiders that just tends to wring the joy right out of my happiness. (I realize that didn't make any sense but it was kinda fun to write.)
So tomorrow, it will be The Garage.
Today it was The Pictures.
Every picture I've taken since the dawn of time has been stored under our king sized bed in disorganized boxes, heaps, bags, and photo albums. I dragged out everything so that I could get an overview of what needed to be accomplished. It was NOT a pretty sight. It ALMOST caused me to run screaming from the room.
I gathered up my gumption and got out Ziplock bags of various sizes and labeled them with twelve different category names. I then spent approximately a bazillion hours looking at every single photograph and putting it in its appropriate bag.
Sarah came in to help but it's really no good when two women start looking through pictures together. We were so busy exclaiming, "Oh, how cute!" and "Look how little Nathan was!" and "Can you believe dad used to wear his wear that way?" that we hardly got anything done.
But finally! At last! Eventually! The last picture was placed in its appropriate bag and the Bag Filler took her weary self out of the bedroom to update this blog. I've actually got several thousand more photos in digital form but I can't garner one little ol' shard of strength to even think about organizing those at the moment.
Here I am, in the throes of trying to make Pictorial Progress amidst the Pictorial Piles.
I can't truthfully say that a great time was had by all but I CAN say that I am now able to find any particular picture in under ten minutes!
I'd pat myself on the back but I'm just way too tired.
In other news, the church in South Carolina where Steve was on the list of "top three pastoral candidates" voted in a pastor last Sunday. Sigh.
While we are still on the short list for the church near Charlotte there are certainly no guarantees. To say that we're a bit antsy and "on edge" would be an understatement. We now have the added pressure of trying to get moved before Sarah has to start a new school year in about nine weeks.
And her school situation is a whole nother ball game which I will discuss in more detail on her blog in the next couple of days.
Steve's been jumping through hoops over the past few days trying to work out Nathan's college financing while we both continue to wait for calls (that don't come) from the realtor for house showings.
I have to say that things are coming down to the wire in several areas and we may have to make some tough decisions if a few things don't come together. Your prayers and "virtual hugs" continue to be hugely appreciated as we navigate these challenging waters.
12 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
Dear Steve, Becky, Nathan, Sarah and Snowy,
Please know that I am all the way over here in Boise praying for you all. I can't even begin to wonder what you are going through. You are some of the toughest people I've (n)ever met and I know you will get through this. A saying that went around our house a lot was "This too shall pass." I know it is hard to let go and let God, but please try to hang on!
Much love to you all.
Krista Harris
Boise Idaho
May I just say...
I found it hysterical that in the middle of the picture pile-up of 2009, you took even MORE pictures with which to document the picture pile-up process. Looking ahead to picture pile-up 2010?!
And, also, that I am thinking of you and hope your life will soon be moving out of its current holding pattern!
Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I wish that I had a church that needed a pastor, and a school that needed a pupil, and piles of extra cash that needed a worthy college dude. But I don't. The best I can do are some cyber hugs... ready?.. here they come... ((()))! And lots of prayers and good wishes for the Smith's!
This post stressed me a little. I want to pray that you do not feel tremendous stress but that the peace and joy of the Lord will overwhelm you as you wait.
I am slingshoting hugs and prayers down the east coast to you!!!!!!
Sending prayers that things work out soon - I know they will, God is always listening and hears all the prayers for your family.
So, you do your photos in something other than chronological order. This is very confusing to me. Don't they just go in albums in the order that you took them? Please exchange the logic of twelve bags. is that like twelve dancing princesses or twelve days of Christmas or twelve something else?
Praying for the Smith family!!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
I have an idea Becky!!! Since it is Summer, how about we have a picture contest. See who is the "worst closet" and "worst under the bed" pictures. We can all have our own garage sales and benefits can go to the Sarah Smith Foundation!!!!
you got a cute curl (from the mirror behind you) in your new photos
Praying and sending hugs for you from North Dakota.
Dear Becky, I admire you and your family so much. You faith is unbelievable. I too am going through a very stressful time emotionally as well as financially, and only wish I could have the faith that you show all of us. I will pray for you if you will pray for me as well. I too am a "thrift store junkie" and think that you and I would have a great time shopping together. Again, prayers for you and your family..please remember mine as well. Peggy
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