Friday, June 12, 2009

Still Here . . . Barely

Update of undetermined length, and containing undetermined pictures (and maybe even music!) coming tomorrow.

Nathan's at work, Steve and Sarah are out for the evening and Snowy and I are holding the fort. He's barking at burping crickets and I'm trying to figure out a few of the computer mysteries that I've been stymied by in the past. An ongoing job, believe me.

Talk to you tomorrow . . .

3 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):

Anonymous said...

Hi Becky..hope you are enjoying your "alone time". Take it when you can get it and do something nice for so deserve it!
Hubby is still not back to work yet either. I hear your cry!!

God Bless,

amysahoot said...

Crickets burp? Hmm, never new what to call that noise that they do, but now I do LOL.

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