Thursday, September 24, 2009


I went in and had the "toner" put on my hair this afternoon.


It not only removed all the highlights but it turned my hair an entirely different color and it looks like I'm wearing a WIG because the color is so unnatural looking.

Can you feel the stress eking out of me from where you are?

Plus, this afternoon Sarah kept on saying she felt hot and nauseated and that she was going to throw up any moment. I thought, "Oh great. She's going to get the flu right before we're scheduled to leave."


She's feeling a bit better and I am on my way out of the door to throw myself on the mercy of someone who will (hopefully) restore my very odd hair to at least a semblance of normalcy. I knew it was bad when I walked into Sarah's room and her jaw dropped in unmitigated shock. Not exactly the reaction you want with hair color.


I'm going.

And so are are my nerves . . .

6 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):

MaryH said...

Deep breathes - and here's hoping and praying for better hair color and Sarah to feel better quickly. I think the stress is getting the better of all the Smithes. This is God's plan and He will make it work. Praying for all of you.

MaryH said...

Deep breathes - and here's hoping and praying for better hair color and Sarah to feel better quickly. I think the stress is getting the better of all the Smithes. This is God's plan and He will make it work. Praying for all of you.

MaryH said...

oops! Didn't mean to post twice and I have no idea how to remove this! Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Wellllll.....Lady Clairol is a really great friend to have. Do you want to meet her?

Lord, have mercy on these two girls, Becky & Sarah. Restore health & hair and foil all the plans of the evil one. May the scent of your Holy Spirit bring them peace and calm. In the Name of Jesus, AMEN.

If it's well with your soul, it's all good! Love, Guerrina

Anonymous said...

Oh Becky! I'm so sorry! I'm certainly praying for you - and your hair - and for Sarah - just for your whole family! Although I do have to say that no matter what your hair (or anything else!) looks like, ANY Church would be very blessed to have your family as their pastors!

I am enjoying the CD very much. It's WONDERFUL! Will email you soon. Sending you love and hugs!


Pam D said...

Oh, Becky. This is not what you needed right now, and I am sorry. I truly am praying that you will have peace, and that there will be a way to give thanks even in bad toner. I'm not making light of your unnatural "lightening", but somehow Guerrina's statement struck me as humorous: "Restore health & hair and foil all the plans of the evil one." Wasn't it foil that got you in trouble in the first place?
Truly...Lord, may Peace and Joy meet Becky on this path and walk beside her; she will be such a blessing to her congregation. Let her see herself through YOUR eyes, Lord, for if she does, her heart will sing. In Jesus' name..Amen.
love you, my friend... bangs, hips, highlights, and all! (and you are, in real life, a VERY slender woman... )