On Steve’s day off this week, we went puttering around a nearby plant nursery. At some point in our near future, we would like to clean up and rearrange the shrubs at the front of our house which are currently living a rather helter-skelter life, without much of a rhythm or rhyme. (If plants can, indeed, rhyme.)
So off we went, on our day off outing. I haven’t spent much time at a plant nursery before, since I have the blackest thumb imaginable, but I quickly discovered that one doesn’t need a green thumb to enjoy the beauty of such a place. While Steve talked “plant talk” with an employee, I wandered around in a rather merry fashion with camera in hand.
And one more bonus shot! (If you can’t see all the words, the sign says, “Unattended children will be given espresso and a free kitten.”)
Love it!
2 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
Becky and Steve,
I just want to thank you for sharing your lives with us. You are the people I go to for a reality check when I need one and you give such great perspectives. Steve, you summed up every parents feelings in such a perfect way. I was out with my 11 year old daughter who tells me I am her Best friend and yet I know there will be a day when I will need to sit on the sidelines and watch. I will try to remember what you said and how beautifully you have done and hope I do as well. You really are such a great family!! If we lived closer, I would invite you to dinner!! Lisa
Lovely Post,Gorgeous Images,really awesome blog post,keep post up to date...
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