There are few things I love more than getting to stay inside when the weather is cold, windy and rainy. There is something marvelously cocoon-y about settling into a comfy chair with a good book while the nasty weather spits and spatters against the windows.
But alas.
This week? This week when I will have surgery and be housebound for 7-10 days? This week is supposed to be sunny. Wisps of wind. Temps in the mid 70’s. Low humidity. In other words, Perfect Fall Weather.
Don’t you think the weather could have taken a bit of pity on me and come up with lots of rain? Cold temps? Whipping winds? All in order to make my indoor stay more pleasant? And cocoon-y?
But no. It has to be beautiful.
I am so very offended.
Okay. All Weather Whining aside, I am happy to report that these past few days leading up to my surgery have also been beautiful and so we’ve been trying to make time in the midst of all the busyness for some family outside-ness.
Before we could take off on yesterday’s family bike ride though, Steve had to get out his new air compressor which he bought to air up tires on the car and bikes and also to run some of his tools. (I don’t understand that whole concept of air-powered tools but he seems to think the concept is pretty nifty so I’ll take his word for it.)
Sarah patiently waits for her dad to get all the airing accomplished. And also patiently waits for her mother to snap innumerable photos of the whole airing/waiting process.
And they’re off!
Here they are at our Official Turning Point on the ride, which is a few hundred feet from the sound and also right at the house where a state senator lives.
This is one of my favorite spots in all of Manteo, riding under this arch of trees.
When I asked them to stop for a minute while I put my camera away and got back on my bike, Steve did the ol’ “Stopping that’s not really stopping since his feet weren’t touching the ground” trick.
Crossing the road to get back to our neighborhood from the bike trail.
Bikes and helmets, ready and waiting for the next Smith outing which will be down the road at some point after my surgery.
Speaking of bike rides, I got an e-mail from a lady we knew when we lived in Smithfield. She and her elderly mom wanted to take a day trip somewhere and finally decided to come to the Manteo area. She wrote that they were driving down the main road in Manteo and happened to look up and there were Steve, Sarah and I on our bikes. How fun was that?
On another note, my surgery is tomorrow. We’ll get Sarah to school, Snowy off to the kennel and then hit the road. Although I’m not thrilled about not being able to eat or drink before the 2:15 surgery, I am happy that we don’t have to get up at 4 am in order to make it to an earlier surgery. (Like we’ve had to do before.)
I’ve got my two pain meds, anti nausea, and antibiotic meds all lined up and ready to go; I also plan to spend the rest of the day working fervently and frantically on getting a week’s worth of home and church duties accomplished in the space of a few hours.
I’m hoping I’ll be able to sleep in my own bed tomorrow night but it depends on if the surgeon is running behind, how long the surgery ends up taking, and how long I have to stay in recovery before being discharged. We’re going to pack a few things for an overnight hotel stay if I don’t feel up to the long trip home. We’ll see how it goes!
In the meantime, thanks to all of you who’ve said you’ll be thinking of me and praying for me. I’m hoping this will be my last surgery for a very long time.
8 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
I will be keeping you in my prayers for all to go well tomorrow. Hope you can enjoy some nice fall weather as you recover. Here in MN it is too darn hot! A year ago we had shovelable snow on the 15th of October. This year we are in the 80's the past week. Yikes. Love that you are able to bike so much in Manteo. Great exercise and enjoyment at the same time. All my best wishes for tomorrow!
Becky, you will be (and always are) in my prayers and thoughts - especially as you head into another surgery - please, God, let this be the completion of this journey for Becky and her family.
Becky, I hesitate to ask this as you have your own health issues, but if you could offer a prayer or two for my cousin - he is my age - he was cutting a tree down on his farm last week. The tree bounced off another tree and came back and smashed his face - he will lose his eye and the doctors are waiting for the swelling to go down before they reconstruct the left side of his face. He is a strong man with a very loving family but we are all praying that he can find a little more strength to get through this accident.
Take care and we will all be in the waiting room once again armed with prayers.
Becky, As always, you and your family will be in my prayers tomorrow. I am hoping everything goes well and you are able to spend some of your recuperation enjoying the beautiful fall weather . . . if only by sitting in a comfortable chair outside in the yard or on your porch . . . and having your family bring you chocolate and something to sip on (beverage of your choice) :o) Hugs to my favorite Smith Family
Linda in Pittsburgh
I will certainly be thinking of you tomorrow Becky, hope all goes as smooth as possible. Having a loving family makes so many things better, and you most certainly have that!
Best Wishes,
Jean C
I will be praying for you Becky! Hey, MNMom...I live in northern MN and am LOVING every moment of this lovely fall weather! So glad its not snowing yet! LOL
praying for you.. for an easier surgery... no complications and a quick recovery...
Hi Becky, I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers tomorrow - or I guess later on today. I hope, too, that this is your last surgery for many years, if not FOREVER!! Although really - the surgery itself is the easy part, its the recovering that stinks.
PS - -Please return the favor for me (I'm have surgery on 10/29). Thank you.
thinking of you with prayers and love
mrs pam
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