Have you ever worried about hurting the feelings of the place you live?
Naw, me neither.
However, just to make absolutely sure that my Outer Banks home knows how much I appreciate its beauty and just to reassure it that I‘m not comparing it unfavorably to the rolling hills I saw on my recent road trip, here are a few shots I took as I was leaving town last week.
I think the Outer Banks would hold its own pretty well in any Scenery Beauty Contest, don’t you?
My trip on Monday to my oncologist and plastic surgeon went fine; I don’t have to return to either doctor for about six months so that made me quite happy.
What didn’t make me quite as happy was being told by my oncologist that I’m still supposed to do a breast exam every month, paying careful attention to the skin near the scars. He said that there is fatty tissue under those scars and fatty tissue is what grew the cancer in the first place. It’s not a real common occurrence, but he said there have been some women who were diagnosed with cancer again—after a double mastectomy!
I will do what he said as far as the exams go, but I refuse to let my brain think too much about the reason behind what I’m doing. The last thing I need in my life is to be thinking about getting breast cancer again!
I was gone about nine hours on Monday and on Tuesday I spent most of the day in bed with an awful, horrible, painful, dreadful sore throat that started on Sunday morning and just kept getting worse and worse. I couldn’t talk and had no energy to even sneeze. (Which of course, since it's allergy season, I was wont to do on a fairly frequent basis.)
Today I dragged my little ol’ self out of bed and hit the day running since I’d already lost one day to doctors and another day to overall throat-based malaise. I am feeling a bit better today which is a good thing because in the next four hours I have to make dinner (leftover pasta salad with some meat thrown in), attend a staff meeting, attend our Wednesday night service and then sit in on a script re-write for our upcoming Easter drama.
I’m squeezing in the writing of this post in the midst of dinner prep, so if you see any glaring mistakes (or worse yet, you see a smear of butter on the edge of your screen) you’ll know why.
There are a few questions to answer that have come in; I’ll have to get to those in the next post.
Happy Spring! (cough, cough, sniffle, sniffle)
5 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
As much at home I feel in the rolling hills of Missouri (the Ozarks are gorgeous), nothing, absolutely nothing compares to the sea. I would love to live near it. Thank you for all your photos - they make me smile.
What beautiful pictures.
I'm sue you've told us...but can you tell me again..what kind of camera you have???
Praying you feel better....real soon!
Glad all went well with the doctor appts, but sorry to hear about the day in bed. Although, after what you have been through, it probably was a good idea, sore throat or not. Pace yourself, Becky!
So, this is probably where I should say, "feel better!" and yes that too! But really I've been wanting to comment on how much i love the new design of your blog. And since I keep thinking I should do THAT, here I am. It's beautiful, understated, and elegant—perfectly suited to you. I've been reading you since 2002. THank you for sharing.
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