(Edited to add:) A couple of you left comments saying you couldn't find the link mentioned below.
However, when I clicked on the words "this link" I was taken right to it. So it might possibly be that you were taken to a link but you didn't think it was correct because it's kind of a funny looking page with cartoon horses on it.
When you get there, turn up your sound, and try clicking on each of the horses, one at at a time. That is what made me smile. (And if you're still having trouble, let me know!)
(Original Post)
6 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
Uh, Becky, what link? I could not find a link . . .
You know I love you, and have followed around you through years and years of ups and downs, but...did you have a brainfart? Where is the link?? Ok before you think I said a crude word, trust met hat I did not. Thats what my Mom came up with when her mind failed her and she came up empty in what she was trying to s ay. Brain fart aside, do you have the link??
Love him!
(Owl City aka Adam Young, I mean)
That was fun! Jill-FL
Here's another link to cheer you up! I was in such a funk this past week as I finished my comprehensive exams. I think I probably watched this video about a hundred times. Warning: cute. overload.
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