Edited to Add (Again) Actually, we have TWO winners!
Number 900,001 signed in first and I thought she was closest. But 900,000 (exactly) just signed in with a screen shot to show she was right on the money.
Here is her comment:
Um, don't know if I ever let you know, that there is someone from Germany following you. I am usually too shy to say anything.
This number now pretty much forces me out of the closet.
This number now pretty much forces me out of the closet.

All the best to you and your family (including this cute canine of yours).
greetings from Germany, Nadine
PS: Please pardon any linguistical mistakes, I am no native speaker.
So Nadine (all the way from Germany) if you will send me your mailing address, I will get a CD out to you as well. So glad you commented; thanks for reading all the way from across the world! (And your English is excellent!)
Edited To Add:
We have a winner!
Here is her comment:
900001 @ 1:01 !! Becky can you post a link for me to Megahn's mom's blog. My computer has just been re-done and I lost all my bookmarks. Thanks Mel
Congrats, Mel!
If you'll email your address to me, I'll get a CD in the mail.
As as for Meagan's mom's blog, it is www.sherihawley.com. You can always find it in the right hand column under Blogging Buddies under the name, Embrace the Grace.
Occasionally, if Sheri goes a few days between updates, you may have to go to the bottom of the Blogging Buddy section and click on "See All" to see the whole list of blogs.
Original Post From Today
So here's the deal.
Whoever represents the 900,000th page view (or at least whoever gets closest to it, if no one hits it exactly) and leaves a comment will win a copy of Like A Blanket, a CD that Steve and I made of our original music.
Also, if you're a blogger and you happen to stop by in the near vicinity of The Big Number (let's say within 50 or so, on either side) I have a little somethin' for you, too! Leave a comment containing your blog address and a little promo about what your blog is about. I'll include that info in tomorrow's post to give your blog a little extra publicity.
May I also say how much I've enjoyed the comments you've left on yesterday's post. I am in absolute awe of those of you who actually know how to cook without using a recipe; I can't even imagine having that sort of skill. I am thoroughly, utterly, and inexorably dependent on my two boxes. I was also interested to read about some of your methods for organizing your recipes--good stuff!
Speaking of food, I have a helpful little tip to pass along that I read on someone else's blog many months ago. (Sorry I can't remember the name.) She wrote that when she freezes soup, she puts it in a Ziploc bag and then smoothes it all out so that the frozen packs are easy to stack, or even file in a box upright.
Well, that was a revelation to me because I have spent 29 years of marriage putting soup in a bag where it all immediately sinks to the bottom in a big, squishy clump. (A lot like my hips.) Then when it freezes, it becomes all the more awkward because the big, squishiness becomes rock hard (unlike my hips) and takes up way too much freezer space.
Well, that was a revelation to me because I have spent 29 years of marriage putting soup in a bag where it all immediately sinks to the bottom in a big, squishy clump. (A lot like my hips.) Then when it freezes, it becomes all the more awkward because the big, squishiness becomes rock hard (unlike my hips) and takes up way too much freezer space.
In order to keep the bags nice and flat while in the freezing process, I lay them out on cookie sheets until they become solid enough to just throw into the depths of the freezer on their own.

I'll close with one more picture, even though it ties in with absolutely nothing. (Randomness is my gift!)
I'll close with one more picture, even though it ties in with absolutely nothing. (Randomness is my gift!)
I was cleaning the garage recently and found these funny eyeglasses. I put them on our little table by the door so that I would remember to take them to church to stash with our drama stuff. Yesterday, it just struck me funny when I walked by and saw a lovely statue, a mirror, a wooden stand . . . and Groucho Marx glasses.

Just another day in the Smith house!

14 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
For the life of me I cannot find the stat counter. Where is it exactly???
Hilarious! When I looked, the counter said 899730. You're almost there! Lisa~
Only 127 more hits till you reach 900,000!
Love ya!
PS. No recipe boxes in this house.
45 to go to reach 900,000
Oppps 4 to go~
Love ya guys!
900001 @ 1:01 !! Becky can you post a link for me to Megahn's mom's blog. My computer has just been re-done and I lost all my bookmarks. Thanks
I hope this finds you well? I hope Sarah is fine after this episode on Wednesday?
Um, don't know if I ever let you know, that there is someone from Germany following you. I am usually too shy to say anything.
This number now pretty much forces me out of the closet. Proof:
All the best to you and your family (including this cute canine of yours).
greetings from Germany, Nadine
PS: Please pardon any linguistical mistakes, I am no native speaker.
Hi Becky,
Congrats on reaching 900,000 hits! That is amazing and reflective of the high quality (and interesting) caliber of your writing and photos.
If I'm not too late to post information about my blog "Days of Grace", here it is.
As you know, it can be found at:
In my blog, I detail the life of a rather ordinary woman living within God's extraordinary grace.
My blog follows my family as we navigate the journey of adopting an older child with unique challenges (we adopted our first child, Samantha in 2010), my nearly 12 year battle with chronic health issues, and everything from humour, to our life in Canada's most Northern large city, to faith- and everything in between!
Have a great day Becky and congratulations again!
WOW! 900,000+ views Becky.... That's AWESOME!!!! Huge congrats!
Congratulations on 900,000!! That's a lot of lookin'. I love your blog and check everyday just as I did Sarah's Spot. Blogging is a labor of love that I cannot seem to keep up no matter how much I want to, so I admire those with a gift for finding something entertaining to write about day after day. Thanks for your labor of love.
900,000?!! You are A-mazing! Congratulations, Friend. It's a testimony to what slow and steady can accomplish, right? :-)
Hi Becky,
You may recall that a few months ago I bought your "Like a Blanket" CD. I am so glad I did. Yesterday afternoon I got a call that my beloved Uncle Chris (who is only 58 and we thought in very good health) was rushed to the hospital in severe pain. They have discovered that he has cancer in his liver, pancreas, lymph nodes and they suspect his bones. My aunt came by tonight and I shared your story with her and gave them your CD. I am hoping it brings them a small measure of comfort during this very difficult time. We are all so devastated. Thank you to you and your family for being willing to share your story with others in pain.
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