While I’m hard at work on a new post called “Pineapple On The Passenger Seat,” I wanted to bring to your attention a comment that came in a few hours ago. I can’t tell you how much it touched my heart.
Lisa from Georgia wrote, “I am so happy to hear that Sarah is turning 16. I must admit a few tears filled my eyes when I think of my Sarah. I wonder if people realize what a miracle Sarah really is...of the 18 NB (Neuroblastoma) kids that we knew through treatment, not one of them is still alive today...no one made it past 6 years!
My Sarah would be 17 so the time is about the same as far as treatment and what they were doing. Sarah is truly a miracle and I am so thrilled to know that she is thriving and embracing life. Congratulations and Happy Birthday!!” Lisa, I am amazed at your generous heart; I am amazed that you are able to read this blog and see all the stories about Sarah and wholeheartedly rejoice with our family over our daughter’s survival--even after losing your own precious Sarah to cancer. Your attitude and sweetness of spirit truly humble me.
As we head into Sarah’s 16th birthday week, I am reminded again of how far she’s come. And I’m also reminded of how many cancer families don't get to celebrate the unfolding of their child's lives.
Lisa--my heart is with you and I join you today in remembering your own lovely Sarah.

7 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
Sarah is definitely Gods gift to you .
Lisa, I felt the same way as Becky when I read your comments about Sarah. To lose a child is devastating...the kind of devastation that lives with your continually. And while in time life once again makes room for joy, the destruction that lies in the wake of a precious young life snuffed out by cancer never really leaves, does it?
I find your generosity of spirit to be overwhelming. That you could appreciate the gift of Sarah and celebrate it with all of us is God working through you. What a wonderful testimony to His undying love.
You are a person I would love to know. You could teach me so much.
May God shower you with blessings as you carry on the legacy of your precious Sarah.
God bless you Lisa! No words that truly adequately understand your loss but a quick prayer of thanksgiving for my own children and their health and a prayer for you, Lisa, for peace and comfort for you. Thank you for a quick lesson for us in appreciation and generosity. We should spread that so much more than most do to others. We all have much to be thankful for and blessed by.
sheila from st. louis
Thank you for your sweet words. I have found comfort in following your journey and I rejoice with you every day that Sarah survives that horrible disease. I know that my Sarah is perfectly healed and with her Heavenly Father who loves her even more than we do...it is with that knowledge that I celebrate with you. Everyone child with NB is healed...it's just that most of them are healed in Heaven. Also, thank you to the other readers who shared such sweet words for me today. I am blessed with two other children who brighten my days...we are a family that celebrates life!
Oh, my - how did I miss this post - God bless you Lisa and your generous open heart - and those pictures of Sarah S. speak of the miracle so clearly - I only wish that there was one more Sarah, among thousands of other young cancer kids, that could celebrate as Sarah does and as we do for her.
Dee from Tennessee
Just chill bumps on my arms....hard to believe how the yrs have flown by.
Praise to Almighty God and to Him be the Glory!!
Dee from Tennessee
Lisa, a tender bushel basket of hugs sent your way.....Love in Christ from the rollings hills and mts of NE Tennessee
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