Thursday, August 18, 2011

Yes, I’m Spoiled

Early this morning, Mr. Nikon and I took a bike ride and these were the sights we were privileged to see along the way.

I am not just blessed with beauty, I am downright spoiled.

And I am grateful.























9 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):

Anonymous said...

These are all such beautiful photos, but my favorite is the last one. Those two chairs beyond the fence look so inviting. Anna

Amanda J said...

I'm jealous of this scenery. I go running in the mornings. How lovely it would be to have this to look at, rather than all the concrete and asphalt in my neighborhood.

Jenny said...

I love the black and white one of the bike! The spiderweb one is neat too, even if it includes a spider. :)

Anonymous said...

I check out your blog regularly but very rarely comment but these photos are beautiful!!!
- Linda

SuperSuz said...

Beautiful pictures!!

MaryH said...

Oh My! That is a photography book waiting to be bound. Magnificent. You are correct, you are very blessed to be surrounded by this beauty - I am so envious of your surroundings. Not your talent, that was God-given to you and you have worked diligently to make it better and better. And I applaud you for using this gift so wisely and sharing it with all of us. Now, I must go view these photos again.

LeeAnne said...

I love your photography and these are absolutely beautiful pictures! Yes, you really are spoiled. :)

The Pennington Point said...

I know it feels cool and wet....just what I'm missing around here. Thanks!

Michelle said...

LOVE IT. beautiful pictures.