Four CD’s jam packed with wedding pictures! May we all just pause right here for a brief moment of hooray-ing.
Now lest some of you think that you will be required to look at 13 bajillion pictures and this whole Wedding Wednesday thingie is never going to go away, here’s the deal. As long as there are at least five comments each week on the Wedding Edition, I will post more pictures the following week. When the comments start dipping below that or, of course, when I run out of pictures, we will move on to new Wednesday topics. Sound like a deal?
So . . . . let’s get going on our latest (Postponed) Wedding Wednesday.
Flowers by Frank—the father of the bride.
The card--including a handwritten letter--that Meagan had delivered to Nathan right before the ceremony. (The song I wrote for the ceremony was based on that letter.)
One of the really cool things that Nathan and Meagan did was to give Sheri and I each a piece of a cross to carry as we were escorted in. (I’m being escorted by my nephew, Caleb.)
The part I carried was the outside of the cross . . . .
. . . and the part Sheri carried was the inside. (She is being escorted by her nephew, Seth.)
We both went up to the platform and laid our individual pieces down on a table before being escorted to our Mom Row. (I’ll tell you how those pieces fit into the ceremony in just a moment.)
Next came the darling ring bearer and flower girl. . .
. . . followed by some really, really cute bridesmaids.
My little baby boy (AKA the groom) got ready to make his walk
to the front of the church . . .
to the front of the church . . .
. . . and then it was all about here comes the bride.
The groom was just a wee bit entranced with the vision before him.
In fact, he was so entranced that he felt compelled to do a whole
heap of hand holdin’ throughout the ceremony.
heap of hand holdin’ throughout the ceremony.
It was such a perfect sanctuary for their ceremony; I loved it.
And now the story of the pieces of the cross we carried in . . .At a certain point in the ceremony, Nathan and Meagan walked to the side of the platform where the two ministers gave a short exhortation about the cross. They said the outside of it represented Nathan and his strength and the way he was a covering for Meagan. The intricate, beautiful inside part of the cross represented Meagan, sheltered within her husband’s strength.
When they fit the two pieces together, the cross looked like this.
Truly beautiful and so meaningful.
Truly beautiful and so meaningful.
(Edited to add: Sheri just left a comment with some wonderful information about the cross's symbolism I wasn't aware of. She wrote,
"You may want to share that the cross is set on a solid foundation representing the need for the marriage to be built on Christ the Solid Rock. And three golden pegs secure the piece representing God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So Powerful! From all these comments, sounds like you'll need to stretch WW until they produce some grandchildren for us to promote. "
They received communion together and Nathan prayed
over their marriage while a special song was being sung.
over their marriage while a special song was being sung.
And then? It was over and we were presented with Mr. And Mrs. Nathan Smith,
an announcement which produced one of my favorite pictures of the whole day.
24 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
Love, love, love the story of the cross!
I have thought this before but I had yet to comment but for fear of you not getting at least 5 comments and risking no more wedding... I just had to say that Meagans Daddy should have a side business as a florist!
Just sayin'
Please don't stop with the Wednesday Wedding.....If I have to post a comment several times to keep it going, that is not too much for me to do.
Love the yellow color! FH should really open a flower shop on the side, he's mighty talented. He did a lot of the decor as well, right? The blue of SH's dress and FH's tie was awesome and complimented the yellow SO VERY WELL! And your dress, AMAZING (can't recall the color of Steve's tie---did it match your dress)? Something interesting that you may already know; in a Jewish Wedding, the bride is walked down the aisle, to the Chuppah, by her mother AND father. Then of course the ceremony ends with “the breaking of the glass” which has many meanings; my favorite being that it symbolizes the hope the life/marriage/happiness lasts as long as it would take to put every little shattered piece of glass back together again. I will never tire of WW (even when it's on Fridays). So, if I have to leave five comments to keep WW, I will! :0)
Totally random question; how is Victoria making out on her fund raising for India? Victoria, if you read this BLOG, please know that I VERY MUCH wish I could offer more than just positive thoughts that you raise the funds you need and you stay safe, learn a lot, and spread the enormous amount of love and kindness you possess in your heart to all of those you meet and minister in your travels.
And Becky, how are you feeling, today?
<3, Jodi
Carrie and Mary your comments had not posted when I wrote mine (I am anonymous @ 4:55 even though it's only 3:55 here and forget I wasn't signed on Google). How funny we were thinking similar and writing around the same time! I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Oh! Beautiful! I can't wait to see lots more Wedding Wednesday posts. :D
I will be very sorry when you run out of pictures! I am sure there will be more than enough comments to keep it going until then.
Back in Sonoma and still very tired. I hope you are feeling better.
Long live Wedding Wednesday! Each time I see a photo of Meagan bursting at the seams with joy, my heart swells and my eyes brim. Whether the circumstances surrounding our weddings were optimal or not, it's innate to women to thoroughly empathize with such elation.
Absolutely LOVE the cross!
I remember when my son got married, each of the mothers lit a candle signifying their family. At the end of the ceremony the bride and groom were to each use their family candle to light one new candle representing their new family. During the rehearsal the wedding coordinator instructed them to light their new candle together and blow out the other two candles. I did NOT want my candle blown out! Perhaps it was because I had just finished treatment for breast cancer about a month before, I don't know, but the idea of having our candle blown out really got to me! I mentioned it to my son, and bless his heart, he said he felt the same way, so the three family candles all stayed lit. From the time our son was born, I always told my husband I definitely had to live to see him graduate from college and get married, anything else was grace. I had never been ill, I just always worried about something happening to me before he was grown. Flash forward, he graduated from college, got engaged, and I was diagnosed with breast cancer all in the space of a couple of weeks! It was pretty eerie, and I wondered if I had jinxed myself by always saying that! Thankfully it was never in my hands, but in God's! He certainly knew better than me! I'm so glad I got to know my daughter-in-love and see the grandbabies! I didn't know just how fabulous that would be!
Still can't believe Meagan's Daddy did the flowers!! They were beautiful!!
Thanks for sharing!
I love the pictures and the sweet stories that go with it, please please don't stop Wedding Wednesday, it is just precious and I am on the site first thing every Wednesday morning for my boost for the day. I loved the fact that they took their first communion together on their wedding day and that Nathan prayed for their marriage. Such a wonderful way to start a marriage. If you run out of pictures, you could start all over again :-)
Okay, so I'm grinning like a nut! When I clicked on here Wednesday, my breath actually caught thinking about "WW". Such a perfect day for our precious children! You may want to share that the cross is set on a solid foundation representing the need for the marriage to be built on Christ the Solid Rock. And three golden pegs secure the piece representing God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So Powerful! From all these comments, sounds like you'll need to stretch WW until they produce some grandchildren for us to promote. :-)
I loe the symbolism of the cross - very powerful!
Always enjoy wedding pictures and Nathan and Meagan's are so unique. Keep them coming! So many different things happened during that wedding and pictures are so different from the usually wedding ones. Thanks for sharing your family with us.
I was just looking at the pictures one more time (I am feeling so very sad, and thought they would make me smile) and the 4th one from the bottom.......could those two really be old enough to drink wine? LOL! And this comment makes 12, I beleive. Please post, comment, stand up and cheer for WW!
I love the story of the cross and how God is truly the center of their marriage and lives. Please keep those WW's coming.
One more thing, is there a video of the processional with that wonderful song?
Love the story of the cross. What a meaningful addition to the wedding ceremony. I also loved the picture of the pronouncing of the newly married couple. That's awesome! Thanks for sharing!
Gayle in AL
love, love, love, wedding wednesday (or thursday, or friday), can't wait to see more pictures.
congrats! beautiful wedding!!
The story of the cross is so beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes.
I look forward to these picture each week, it isn't everyday we get to see and hear about Nathan and to hear more and more about his very special day and their honeymoon is cool. and i'm with mamma of bride, might have to keep this going til they produce some grandkids,lol. no rush of course...
ps i even read all the comments,lol. keep it coming.
What a wonderful story of the cross and marriage. The pics are beautiful and relay such joy!
I love the cross in a wedding ceremony even more than a unity candle but I wouldn't have been mature enough in my faith that I would have used it 22+ years ago. I am in awe of both Megan and Nathan's maturity in their faith. You are blessed!
Connie F-G
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