Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Fifty Two is Young!

Happy birthday to Steve who is fifty two years old today.

Which is really very, very young. In fact, the closer I get to fifty two, the younger it becomes.

You're invited to drop over to Sarah Smith's Spot to view some stories and pictures (from the archives) about Steve and Sarah in honor of his birthday.

Also, there's a very new picture of Sarah wearing a very new (and darling) t-shirt!

3 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):

Sue G said...

Happy Birthday, Steve! Thanks for being such a significant reflection of God's love and Becky's heart. May the next 52 years bring more joy, more love, and more of everything that makes you YOU.

Danette said...

At 3'2" I definitely like that shirt but I think my favorite quote about shortness is:"I am not short, I am built low to the ground for speed and accuracy" :o)
Happy Birthday Steve!

THOMBU1 said...

52 is young! I am 52 so I guess I am biased. You guys are great. We often think about you all and rejoice that Sarah is doing well. Becky you will be OK. I have been through many trials since both my parents passed away 7 weeks apart in 2003. I thought my life was over. I sank into a deep depressed state that I did not know I was in until it was almost too late. Along with everything life threw at me, to lose them so close together was like a one two punch. You guys would probably remember them, as they were permanent fixtures at Trinity Church with Pastor Roberts her in Columbia. I prayed and prayed and felt like Job in many ways. I started to write prose, expressing my feelings, it seemed to help. Some of it was quite dark, since I was in pain, but it seemed the Lord would give me a ray of hope while writing. I prayed like Job, even if you slay me I wll praise you Lord. Then relief started to come. Check out my Webshots at and may God bless you guys. With love in Christ. Tom BUsh