Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Guest Book Entry

Every once in a while I run across a guest book entry that is especially meaningful and touching. This one especially meant a lot to me right now so I wanted to post it here in the blog area.


I was at the grocery store this weekend, alone because all five of my children were driving me crazy and one especially had disappointed me so badly that I was truly heartsore.

I came across the Chicken Soup Book and read your entry. I stood there waiting for a self serve checkout and read away, letting the tears fall and realized that even though my daughter had fallen short of my expectations and truly hurt me, that I was ever so grateful to have the chance to go home and hold her close and help her work through it.

I think Sarah once said that she wished to know the purpose of her cancer, and you can tell her that there is one Mom in Canada who is holding her own little girl closer to her because of Sarah.

Bridget from Canada

Bridget, you'll never know how your entry brightened both Sarah's and my day. Thanks so much for taking the time to share your experience.

2 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):

Anonymous said...

The Anonymous Mary H.

There are so many ways that Sarah's story has changed and helped me and many others, I'm sure. I am so glad that the mom in Canada let you all know that. I can only imagine how much that brightened your and Sarah's day - especially on a day Sarah needed to hear just that kind of message.

I also think that one of those doors in that hallway of hesitation you are inhabiting may be cracking open and you can see a bit of sunlight coming through and a glimpse of the end of this journey - at least that is what I am praying for now. Things seem to be falling into place and that makes me smile. When it is all revealed, you will probably say "Ah, hah, now I get it, God!" Can't wait to see it unfold myself.

Sue G said...

Ditto what Mary H wrote.
