"I'm too blessed to be stressed."
At least that's what the bumper sticker says. At this point in my life though, I think I feel both blessed AND stressed.
I hope it's okay to occasionally be both.
I've also heard that stressed spelled backwards is "desserts."
I think I'm good with that. In fact, I think that I'm so good with it that when I'm done here, I may just go get another piece of pie from supper.
The pie I'm referring to is Sarah's birthday pie that Nathan lovingly went and purchased from Walmart this afternoon since his lovely mother was otherwise occupied with stressful activities.
I was especially stressed because it suddenly occurred to me on our way home from the coast today that tonight might be our last family night together before I leave for Wisconsin. (I may go before the rest of the family.) Then when we all get back home, Nathan will leave immediately for Florida to go back to school.
I thought, Oh dear! I need to put together something special for Sarah's "family birthday" tonight. (We're having her "friend party" next week.) AND get my hair cut. AND research airline tickets. AND make a final selection on Sarah's school curriculum. (Yes, I'm running behind.) AND come to grips with the fact that Nathan will be leaving for school way too soon. AND unpack. AND do laundry. And re-pack. AND ponder the possibilities of a move to the coast. AND worry about our house selling. AND think about the emotional journey the upcoming funeral will be.
Yup. Stressed just about describes me.
On the non-stressful side of things, though, we had a very pleasant meal together. Sarah requested gorditas and lemon meringue pie which made me very happy since gorditas are easy to make and lemon meringue pie is "buyable."
As we ate, each of us said something we appreciated about Sarah. We all liked Nathan's speech the best. He said that he admired her for going through so many hard things and overcoming them. He said that while those hard things have made her tough, they have also made her extra sensitive to other people going through difficulties."
We all applauded when he was done and Sarah just beamed.
The highlight of the evening was when Nathan walked behind Steve and goosed him in the ribs. Steve (who is obviously under a great deal of stress himself), jumped 4.7 feet into the air and made a rather alarmed, bleating noise which caused both children to be thrown into a massive fit of delighted hysterics lasting at least five minutes.
Nothing like cheap entertainment.
Here are a few pictures of the birthday girl. (Her official birthday is Sunday.)
You can tell by this picture that Nathan is reaching for the bass note in Happy Birthday.

At least that's what the bumper sticker says. At this point in my life though, I think I feel both blessed AND stressed.
I hope it's okay to occasionally be both.
I've also heard that stressed spelled backwards is "desserts."
I think I'm good with that. In fact, I think that I'm so good with it that when I'm done here, I may just go get another piece of pie from supper.
The pie I'm referring to is Sarah's birthday pie that Nathan lovingly went and purchased from Walmart this afternoon since his lovely mother was otherwise occupied with stressful activities.
I was especially stressed because it suddenly occurred to me on our way home from the coast today that tonight might be our last family night together before I leave for Wisconsin. (I may go before the rest of the family.) Then when we all get back home, Nathan will leave immediately for Florida to go back to school.
I thought, Oh dear! I need to put together something special for Sarah's "family birthday" tonight. (We're having her "friend party" next week.) AND get my hair cut. AND research airline tickets. AND make a final selection on Sarah's school curriculum. (Yes, I'm running behind.) AND come to grips with the fact that Nathan will be leaving for school way too soon. AND unpack. AND do laundry. And re-pack. AND ponder the possibilities of a move to the coast. AND worry about our house selling. AND think about the emotional journey the upcoming funeral will be.
Yup. Stressed just about describes me.
On the non-stressful side of things, though, we had a very pleasant meal together. Sarah requested gorditas and lemon meringue pie which made me very happy since gorditas are easy to make and lemon meringue pie is "buyable."
As we ate, each of us said something we appreciated about Sarah. We all liked Nathan's speech the best. He said that he admired her for going through so many hard things and overcoming them. He said that while those hard things have made her tough, they have also made her extra sensitive to other people going through difficulties."
We all applauded when he was done and Sarah just beamed.
The highlight of the evening was when Nathan walked behind Steve and goosed him in the ribs. Steve (who is obviously under a great deal of stress himself), jumped 4.7 feet into the air and made a rather alarmed, bleating noise which caused both children to be thrown into a massive fit of delighted hysterics lasting at least five minutes.
Nothing like cheap entertainment.
Here are a few pictures of the birthday girl. (Her official birthday is Sunday.)
You can tell by this picture that Nathan is reaching for the bass note in Happy Birthday.

Before we left the coast today, Sarah wanted to stop in a gift store to buy some things to give to her friends when they come for her birthday party. (What a generous gal.) While she was searching for the right treasures, Steve and I occupied ourselves in our usual mature fashion. (Sarah pretended she didn't know us.)

I am tentatively planning on heading to Wisconsin tomorrow if I can get some airline schedules to work. And that means that I really shouldn't be sitting here typing; I should be putting laundry in the machine and unpacking (and re-packing) the suitcase from the weekend.
Before I go though, I first want to say thank you to everyone who has already promised to send my mom a "happy card." Mom appreciates small gestures more than any other person I've ever met and I can only imagine the look that will be on her face when she opens her mailbox and sees envelopes full of joy! Thanks to everyone who is helping out with the "Encourage Becky's Mom Project."
Also, I wanted to leave you with a couple photos that I took this weekend. I don't know about you, but I could use a little peace in my life about now and looking at God's creation is about as peaceful as it gets!

These were the day and night views right outside our hotel deck. Such incredible beauty.

Before I go though, I first want to say thank you to everyone who has already promised to send my mom a "happy card." Mom appreciates small gestures more than any other person I've ever met and I can only imagine the look that will be on her face when she opens her mailbox and sees envelopes full of joy! Thanks to everyone who is helping out with the "Encourage Becky's Mom Project."
Also, I wanted to leave you with a couple photos that I took this weekend. I don't know about you, but I could use a little peace in my life about now and looking at God's creation is about as peaceful as it gets!

These were the day and night views right outside our hotel deck. Such incredible beauty.

May peace and beauty fill your day.
9 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
Becky, if you weren't stressed right now, you simply wouldn't be human. I imagine that's why there are so many verses in the Bible that have "do not fear" and "don't let your heart be troubled" in them. It's a universal condition. I'm glad you were able to get Sarah's party in, and spend some family time. And the pics from the coast are just lovely. I'll be praying that all of this craziness comes together into one absolutely beautiful ending...
Anyone with feelings would be stressed, facing what is before you. However, I am quite sure you will come through whatever comes with grace and peace. I am sending your Mom a card tomorrow morning.
Let the Masters touch settle on your brow
Hear His voice of cheer speak softly
See His wondrous works performed
Smell The Rose of Sharon’s sweet perfume
Follow The Shepherds staff that leads the way
Love with His love shed in your heart
Think the thoughts of the mind of Christ
Let His wisdom guide your steps
Pictures are lovely. That may give us an excuse to visit the coast (as if we needed one). Hope the Lord works things out for you and if this is His will I think it will be fabulous. Praying for you and the family. Know what you are going through and the stress involved. I have our card addressed and ready for mailing in the morning. Love you guys! God be with you as you travel and in the days ahead.
Travel mercies as you venture to Wisconsin. And prayers for all good things for you and your family. God knows what things He has in store for you...and I imagine GOOD is an understatement.
I always imagine that.
Hi Miss Becky! May I just say that the photo of Steve with the crazy glasses and the shirt that says "Well Adjusted" is one of the best ever? Don't forget to take care of yourself during this stressful time...
hmm... if Steve bleated, perhaps he was goated rather than goosed.
continued prayers for safe travels, Becky.
mrs pam
My uncle passed away last week and at his funeral on Monday the minister told the best story. He was driving to do a funeral one day and on his way he saw a bumper sticker. "Live your life so the minister doesn't have to lie at your funeral". I love that statement. It sounds like there will only be truth for your father. Thinking of you as you venture up to my state. Safe travels and peace to all of you.
I haven't been by in a while and just took a few minutes to catch up.
My sympathy and prayers for your family at this time. On Oct. 18 it will be 19 years since I lost my dad, and it is still fresh at times.
A quick happy birthday to Sarah though, even at this rough time.
Becky, I am a realtor in Cary. Your Showing Feedback is typical. I have a listing w/ an in ground pool and constantly receive the following feedback after a showing: "Buyer does not want a pool-small children". Really?Thanks for showing! Real Estate is always a crazy ride but particularly these days! My brother lives in Manteo---Relocated there from Cary and LOVES It!!
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