How can I be turning forty-eight today? It was just yesterday I looked like this. (Don’t you just love that quirky, recalcitrant curl on the right side of my head?)
And this. (I’m the oldest of the three sisters)
And this. (Thankful I don’t look like this any more. Yikes! That was obviously my awkward stage.)
Just for the purpose of comparison, here’s Sarah around the same age. I think I was a (very) late bloomer.
A few years later, I looked like this. Our singing group could have been called, “Steve And The Ladies With Glasses.” (Those are my two sisters, by the way.)
At any rate, rather than drag you on a long, ponderous stroll down my own personal pictorial memory lane, I put together a collage of The Seasons of Becky. Try not to snicker too loudly as you view them!
I have lots more to write about but for now, since I’ve got my parents-in-law and Nathan and Meagan in town, I’m going to sign off and start celebrating this fact: although I’m older than I was, I’m not as old as I’m going to be.
Um. Wait a minute. Is that something to celebrate? I’m not sure.
I guess I’ll go ahead and celebrate anyway, just to be on the safe side. (And yes, the day will include chocolate.)
27 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
Happy Birthday!! Hope it is a blessed and wonderful day. Enjoy the time with your family, and eat a big piece of cake!!
Happy Birthday - and 48 is YOUNG!!! Have a great day. Love all the pictures.
Happy birthday! I hope you day is as wonderful as you are. God bless you!
Happy Birthday, Becky. God gave the world a special gift the day you were born! Enjoy your day!
Linda in Pittsburgh
Happy, happy birthday to you! Loved seeing all the faces of you--really cool!
Enjoy your day--we love you!
Deb and the guys
Happy Birthday Becky. Enjoy your day & your chocolate.
Happy Happy Birthday! And I love the "Wall of Becky Fame!"
<3, Jodi
Happy Birthday! I loved 48 but then I love all 'even' birthday years. Not sure why.
Yay for celebratory chocolate!
Have a great day.
Happy Birthday Becky! I love that first picture of you -- so precious. And I must say, you have VERY striking eyes.
Let me say that celebrating growing older is something I do every single day of my least in the past six years. Growing old is a privilege, not a right. So, yes, girl, you go ahead a shout it from the housetops. "I am growing older every day, and by the grace of God, I will live a long and healthy and productive life!"
You already are doing most of that...just need to work on the aging. And that happens naturally, without much thought or effort, if you're very lucky.
Happy birthday, dear friend. You are such a wonderful creation. God must be so very proud of His little girl.
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKY! You are a beautiful woman no matter how old, er, I mean YOUNG you get!! HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!! Today is BECKY DAY!!
Love & Hugs!
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY. May God continue to bless you. Thank you for sharing...
Loved your pictures.
Hugs from Iowa,
Happy Birthday Becky!!
Happy 48th! I've got 2 years on you and can honestly say that it keeps getting better. Enjoy your day!
Happy Birthday,Becky! Hope you have a great time with family and E.N.J.O.Y. the chocolate!
PS: You look young in all collage photos and if 50 is the "new 30" then you're still in your 20s! :)
I said it on your facebook page but I will say it again...HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKY!
I hope you are having a wonderful day in that beautiful little town of Manteo...with your family in town, I know you are having a blast!
Happy birthday. I agree with Mary H. 48 is very young.
Question from an earlier post (I was out of town for a few days.) What is a "worship chorus"? Speaking of music. I attended a Catholic Church this weekend that has reverted to Latin during Lent for the Kyrie, Sanctus, and Agnus Dei parts of the Mass. I had a great time singing the liturgical language of my youth. (As I said, 48 is very young!
Jan from Toledo
Happy birthday! I was looking for a picture of the time you got the funky bangs, but I couldn't find it because you look great in all the pictures!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BECKY!! Hope your day is filled with joy, love, family and chocolate!!
Boise ID
Happy happy birthday dear Becky!
Olivia from Rome.
Happy Birthday! Enjoy the chocolate!
"Eat what is good, and let your soul delight itself in fatness!: :-) Isaiah 55:2
Mrs. Pam
Happy Birthday! :)
Happy Birthday! Jill
Happy Birthday, Becky!! I hope enjoy your family today.
I love your hair in the 2nd row from the bottom and 2nd picture from the left. You are wearing something lime greenish.
Hope in Raleigh, NC
Oh, I LOVE the collage... that is so cool! And happy, happy birthday, dear young one... you are such a baby! I wish I was 48 again....
(btw.. in the pic of Steve with you and your sisters... there are 6 HUGE lenses there.. enough to make quite a Fresnell lens. Perhaps you should have named your group "Lighthouse". heh.)
Happy (belated) birthday Becky!!! Hope you had a great day yesterday :)
Happy Birthday, dear friend! Yes indeed, we celebrate not being as old as we're gonna be! We celebrate every positive thing possible. Love you much!
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