I apologize for not getting back here yesterday; life sort of intruded. But I’m back today!
For a little change of pace, let’s leave behind the breast cancer/mastectomy/implant-filling world that I have been unhappily inhabiting for the past few weeks and talk about something a bit more cheerful.
As you may recall, before I had my surgery Steve and I spent a lovely three days in the Rodanthe/Waves/Salvo area of the Outer Banks at a huge, gorgeous beach front home. (Provided free through the generosity of some very special people.) I’ve written about that trip a little and posted a few pictures but after getting sidetracked by all my medical stuff, I just realized I still have a few more stories and pictures to share.
So share I shall! Share I shall do!
One of the wonderful things that the aforementioned special people provided for us (in addition to dropping three bags of fun snacks and groceries by the house after our arrival) was to give us certificates for free meals at several restaurants in the area.
The first one Steve and I went to provided a rare treat—diet root beer in a bottle! My family knows that one of my great luxuries in life is getting to drink a soft drink out of a bottle. It just doesn’t happen very often.
Here I am, gazing lovingly at my bottle. Isn’t that such an inspiring photo?
At another restaurant called Uncle Paulys (our favorite restaurant of them all) I fell in love with the quirky use of color in the ladies bathroom. (I know. I don’t get out much.)
And I especially loved this sign in the midst of all the flamboyant colors. Loved the saying; loved the artwork; loved it all.
Another gift (by the already mentioned aforementioned special couple) was a gift certificate to put toward a piece of handmade jewelry at this wonderful shop in Hatteras.
Wendy, the owner and jewelry designer, showed us a glass bead she had made.
The beads are stored here until ready to be used.
These are “glass sticks” that the jewelry is made from. We had never heard of such a thing and were fascinated to hear Wendy talk about her work.
I wandered around the store for a while and finally chose this lovely set. It’s hard to tell in the picture, but it’s dark brown. And I love wearing brown.
Here’s a close up. (We had Wendy sign it for us, since it was an original piece.)
While we were there, Wendy showed us a special Bible that had been given to her when she was a child. Several years ago after a severe storm, the Bible was washed away in some flooding. Incredibly, a few days later, someone found it several miles away and returned it to her.
On the way out of her store there was an old upright piano which, of course, I had to play.
And at the end of the vacation? Here was the view on the way home. Doesn’t get much better than that.
In other news, a couple of you asked where my sister Ruth lives since she was able to view (and write about) so many species of birds. Ruth, her husband and three children, live in a perfectly lovely part of rural Wisconsin. As you can probably tell, Ruth is a nature lover from way back and the fact that she was able to name all of those birds AND their habits was amazing to me. I could probably identify a robin and a crow. Maybe. (Nature is not my gift.)
10 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
I read everyday but don't sign in. You and your family are in my prayers every night as your family is a true insperation not only in faith but real life.
Becky, I love the pictures and am so glad that you appear happier and that you seem to be getting back to 'normal' these days, although I never mind reading about ALL that is going on...good, bad or otherwise. Thanks for sharing! You are one very amazing and inspiring woman. Have a wonderful weekend!!
Such lovely photos; I'm so glad you have those memories on which to reflect during the tough times. I especially love the last photo... a bright future ahead of you is what I see!
What a lovely trip that was! My family lives in NC and we visit every summer and have been to the Outer Banks a few times. Going to the ocean is a rare treat for Iowegians!!! So we make a point of getting there every year even if it's just a day trip.
Still keeping you in my prayers.
Kris H
Hi Becky,
Just stopping by to read your latest updates and say hello. The saline filling/implants story made my chest hurt for yours. You know why. You inspire me so much!
Sherri Ross
Sorry the fills suck. My friend is having her last sugery on Monday. She said you could call her or she you if you want to talk. Everything is the same--procedure wise. It just goes to show the differences in recover (which makes me feel better that I am a slower recoverer---okay that was bad).
On another note......how about Becky Smith's cost saving tips. You seem to have a great handle on that....two house payments and no income? Lots of gas money and travel expenses? How do you do it? Please share with us or at least me. I am living on disability. I have rent (no way around that though I did find a nice box), car payment (almost done but nonetheless). Tons of scripts and co-pays but still I know there are ways to save but I could use some tips. I don't spend more than $100.00 on food a month (tube fed so insurance pays me food). Tips for anyone welcome.
Please never apologize for not writing quickly "enough"! Life comes first, blogging comes second!!!!
Great pictures of a great vacation!
I hope Sarah's visit to Duke went well. I'm sure it did, but...you usually post an "all clear" message after she's had tests! You are all in my thoughts.
Eager to hear how Sarah's appts went too. Praying all is well.
Looks like a wonderful relaxing vacation. I enjoy all the photos!
Love the jewelry! Very very pretty - and those glass beads are amazing. I've always wanted to learn to do that, but the startup costs are so expen$ive! :/
I'm hoping you're still doing well, and that Sarah got a good report.
(((hugs))) Hang in there!
~Stefanie in St. Louis
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