Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Other Smith Lady

If you would like a dash of writing from the other Smith lady today then run--don't walk--over to Sarah's Spot and read her wonderfully witty, lengthily long, and inspiringly informative write up about her week at Victory Junction Gang Camp last week.

And be sure to leave a comment so she'll be inspired to write again soon.

The Other, Other Smith Lady.

4 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):

Sue G said...


Jessica Kramasz said...

I just love outdoor concerts! I gald Sarah was willing to go with you.
My teen suggested that I go to the high school Pops (jazz) concert this spring. I (wrongly) assumed that that meant he wanted to which he replied "No mom, I am not a geek. I just thought you would like it."
Which I did.

Jessica Kramasz said...

hmmm....that should have been "I'm glad Sarah was willing to go with you."
Not my morning for typing I guess.

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