The road coming off the island yesterday was bumper to bumper traffic but it was still running pretty fast. Don't know how slow it will be getting back on today. We may be in for a long day on the road with no electricity at the end of it but hey, we're islanders! We're cool! We can cope! (I hope!)

Thanks to a couple of you who answered the question about why we fill our bathtubs before a hurricane. (I forgot to answer it last night.) As you said, it's because a power outage would mean no water and so having water in the bathtub allows us to flush toilets and take sponge baths. (Or bird baths, as a friend of mine calls them.) Toilet flushing and bath taking are two very good, highly underrated things!
Last night before our Hotel Movie and Pajama Extravaganza, we went to Blockbuster to try to find a video that would be enjoyed a 15-year old girl, a 48-year old woman, and a 53-year old man. Quite a spectrum of ages, tastes and interests to contend with.
After half an hour of wandering around mournfully about and finding nothing, Steve stumbled upon a treasure. A treasure from the olden days. (Or at least twenty-five years ago.) He found a used, for-sale copy of "The Gods Must Be Crazy."
Oh my.
I flung myself upon it with a cry of joy and asked, requested, and even demanded that we purchase it. And watch it. And introduce Sarah to it. (Steve and I watched it numerous times about twenty-five years ago and haven't seen it anywhere since.)
I'll warn you that the movie is slightly cheesy. And it's low budget. And the first ten minutes make you feel like you're watching a National Geographic documentary. But it's one of those movies whose charm sneaks up on you and by the time the ending credits roll, you're a fan.
It's basically a comedy with a collision of three separate stories—the journey of an African bushman to the end of the earth to get rid of a Coca-Cola bottle (the bottle was dropped from a small plane and he and his little tribe think "the gods" sent it), the romance between a bumbling scientist and a schoolteacher, and a band of guerrillas on the run.
There are a couple fleeting bad words, a small amount of National Geographic nudity, a brief glimpse of a woman changing clothes in the wilds, and about 15 seconds of non-gory violence when a band of guerrillas fires machine guns at a government meeting. Otherwise, it's quite family friendly.
The movie is really quite difficult to sum up; let me just say that you've never seen a movie quite like it. (And it's one of the rare movies on the planet that actually makes me laugh out loud.)
And now we own it! Yippee! Y'all want to come over one night and watch it with us? It would be fun!

10 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
I rememebr that movie! It was always on TV while I was growing up! My brothers & I watched it so many times! It is funny! I can't believe I have been alive long enough to say something I did was 25 years ago!!! It is crazy! At least I can't say I remember 27 years ago yet! I'm 29 & I don't think I remember anything before I was 2 or 3! Hahaha! Thanks for reminding me of that movie! I think I need to watch it pretty soon! :) Did Sarah like it?
It's been a while, but I remember seeing that movie. Yes, it was totally crazy!
I hope that your house is in the area where the power is still on!
I remember watching the movie. It is a prize in Africa. When I first went to meet my now husbands family in Zambia they made me watch it. :-) I had watched it as a child but it was still fun as an adult.
I LOVE that movie - and I would love to come watch it with you - because I could visit with you AND see the ocean. Hope your house is in good shape and you have power - but if not, it is an experience and you are islanders! Another great classic funny movie is The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming - if you have not seen it - do so, it is hilarious - I had to explain to my girls about the feelings between the U.S. and Russia during that time of history for them to understand but it is charming and whitty and funny and just plain fun - try it - you'll like it!
thanks...see that thought did cross my mind but then i was like what if the winds blew the water all over and threw debris in the window..idk im weird...
I remember that movie. It is hilarious. What a find! Hope Sarah enjoyed it!
Hope all is well at your home and that you have power!!! Glad you got to spend some time together as a family and have fun while doing it! Sarah is blessed...and her parents are too!
Wow. I've been so wrapped up in diapers, nursing, pumping, and trying to sleep that I didn't even know there was a hurricane! I'm glad you made it safely inland.
Is NOT cheesy! I'd love to see it again!
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