Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A Florida Stroll

I am very ashamed (and also sorry) (and also appalled) to admit that I have not taken even one photo since Nathan has been home.

Why? I really don’t know. I think I’m just too busy drinking it all in to even think about picking up the camera.

I do promise, however, that I will get a copious quantity of photos snapped before he flies away on Sunday night. (sniff)

We have been having such a lovely time this week, with lots of laughter and memories shared amidst the fun of conversation and just plain hanging out. I must admit though, that I can’t often think about the fact that this is his last week at home because whenever I do, I immediately tear up. Better to put that knowledge on a back shelf of my heart and just focus fully on the fact that we have these final precious days together.

Even though I have fallen down on the job of taking pictures here at home, I do have a few from Florida to share.

As you can probably imagine, our visit there was packed pretty full. Of course, the main focus was Nathan’s graduation party and his graduation ceremony--all 3 1/2 hours of it. In addition, Sarah and I went with Meagan and her mom, Sheri, so that Sarah could try on her her bridesmaid dress. We also went with Nathan and Meagan to choose tuxes for all the men in the wedding party, and to look at Nathan’s wedding ring. We took a trip to the Actual Famous Gazebo where Nathan proposed and then the five us of took Saturday evening and went to downtown Disney—I will post pictures from those fun events later. Oh yeah, and we also toured the lovely church where they will be married.

One of the most enjoyable parts of the visit for me was getting to take a stroll through Nathan’s old campus.


It is such a beautiful place and I was sharing the stroll with some of my favorite people in the whole world.


I was one happy woman.


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The stroll through the campus had just a bit of a melancholy tinge for me though, because this young lady has put Southeastern on her list of Colleges to Strongly Consider.


As I watched her walk around and look at her surroundings through the eyes of a possible future student, I imagined all the emotions that I will feel when she follows her brother and flies from the nest. And then I got all teary eyed over that, as well.

Note to self: Do. Not. Think.

Even though Nathan had moved out of his dorm a few days earlier, his key still worked so he gave us a tour of his old digs.



A few minutes later, as we were walking through a building housing classrooms, Nathan and Meagan went into one of their funny routines that makes no sense to anyone but them. I must say that they are a very entertaining couple.

nates grad ceremony  s

And very cute, too.


Hard to believe it was just four years ago that Nathan arrived at Southeastern.


And now he’s done. Gone. Left.


He’s off to chase new horizons and follow new dreams.

And we couldn’t be more proud.

10 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful campus! It looks like Southeastern has great gardeners. I'd like to visit too now. Thanks for sharing your photos.

Enjoy your time with Nathan together as a family!

Whitney in Washington, DC

jmckemie said...

What an absolutely beautiful campus! Enjoy your week together - making precious memories.

Sarah said...

That is a gorgeous campus! I love all of the trees!

Anonymous said...

It was fun to see where Nathan has been thses past four years. We are so proud of him!

Of course, he might not know that beings we haven't called yet to dither over him in uncle & auntly fashion, nor have we sent a card. However, I did spend a copious amount of time finding a card and we have been dithering over him amongst ourselves. (yes, we are the weird branch of the family tree.)

So glad you made it home safe and can have this time together. Love you!

love deb

Anonymous said...

Didn't you something about the only place that Nathan would have any privacy this week was the bathroom (you were planning on catching every sneeze on camera) or am I making that up?

Enjoy, Becky!


Guerrina said...

Awwww ... tearing up on your behalf! Beautiful campus where he arrived a teen and emerged a man! What adventures you ALL have ahead of you, Momma Bear.

Anonymous said...

Wow! We were at Downtown Disney Friday AND Sunday afternoons! We were at Epcot Sat when you were there. Can't believe I was so close and missed you all. Our resort was just a boat ride away. My pics are on facebook, an alone trip without kids.
Glad you have Nathan this week. Enjoy! Jill-FL

MaryH said...

I remember all the tears and heartache when you were preparing for him to go to college - well, look what he done and did - like you said - look at the fullness and richness he has brought into your life from those four years - I know the heartache of the next BIG step and the excitement - but if he did ALL OF THIS in these four years - just imagine the fun and excitement and other new people (hopefully the pitter patter of little bitty footsteps)he will be bringing your way - because he is your little boy - always will be in his heart and yours - never, ever fear that will end. Love and Prayers and Smiles for all of you.

Catherine said...

What a beautiful post. I felt a little teary at the idea of Sarah looking at the college. How can she be looking at colleges? But then I have 2 graduations in the next few weeks; one from middle school who is going to high school and one from high school who will be going away to college.

Any nearby choices as well? My college guy is going away too far. Sigh

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