Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Manteo Morning. And A Poll.










Okay.  Those pictures were all taken on a recent Manteo morning. The following pictures are some of the same shots, expect I decided to put them into a more artsy context. 

Because here’s the deal.  I’ve been telling myself for quite a while that I should make note cards from some of my pictures. (And a few of you have also suggested that idea to me.)

At first I thought I would just take the original pictures and put them on cards but then I got to thinking that I could also play around with them a little for a different effect.
So my question to you is this:

If you went to a store to buy notecards and you saw some cards that were straight photos and others that were creatively altered (like the ones below) which would you be more likely to choose?   

I have put a poll in the right column for you to weigh in with your opinion.  I also added a third option which is for those of you who might buy from either category, depending on the occasion. 

Or instead of doing the poll, you can just leave your answer in the comments. 

(Note: These are just compilations I put together in a hurry to give you an idea of what I'm talking about; they're not necessarily the exact ones I would actually use.)

bike collage


simple life

earth and sky

So there you have it.   Please go vote!   I’ll even give you a little sticker saying, “I voted” when you’re done.
Or not.


Okay.  Do we all know what tomorrow is?  Then let’s say it together. 



Can’t wait to share more photos from the Meganate Wedding.
Steve had a great time reading all of your comments about his post yesterday.  I’m hoping the comments will encourage him to post a bit more frequently.

Along with the comments, one question also came in.

Judy said, “Tremendous job. What a sense of accomplishment you must feel. But I was just wondering---is it possible the power steering pump did not have to be replaced, but just that leaky, fluid spewing, pretzel shaped thing-a-ma-jig?”

Hi Judy,  Great question. The old pump was definitely worn and the old hose was weak. When the old hose blew the leak was many times worse than before the pump was replaced and the new leak was in a different location. Thanks for reading my stuff.   Steve

22 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):

Toni Pennington said...

Hey Becky,

I have been following your blog for years, ya'll are such a neat family, very blessed. AS for the cards I would choose the single straight shot.

Toni Pennington
Charlotte, NC

Cheese Lady said...

I really couldn't deciede on which photo's I like both! You take such wonderfull pictures!

Anonymous said...

You know me. Word art rocks! I think that there will be folks in both camps, so if you can do both, then you'll cover the bases. One thing to consider doing is to do a couple with the word art; if they go over well, then explore doing those as posters or prints....

Anonymous said...

Hi Bekcy

I like the altered shots. I think they are awesome. Thanks for sharing.
Hugs from Iowa,

LizW said...

I vote for the creativity - your samples are beautiful. As for Steve, do you realize those of us with husbands who are not at all gifted in the area of car repair and maintenance are very envious!

Anonymous said...

I vote for the artsy ones!

Jessica Kramasz said...

The straight shots are beautiful, and I think I would prefer them on my own - however I would suggest offering them both ways.

Jenna said...

Your photos are beautiful! I would go with the artistic version for note cards.

Ann said...

Hey Becky,
My 15 year old daughter thinks the artsy ones would sell better. And I probably agree. But we LOVE the straight photos. I'd say stock both, depending on occasion.

Ann O.
Baltimore, MD

Sheri Hawley said...

Love the entire concept! The last three artsy ones were my favorites. Straight photos would probably be a second choice for me. You are AMAZING! :-)

Anonymous said...

I love your beautiful pictures. I personally don't like the fancy words on postcards because they don't always fit the reason for sending one.

My favorite postcards are the ones that have factual captions with location or a history.

Sometimes I just buy postcards like that so I can remember the name of the place I visited.

Chris M.

Anonymous said...

I like the simple life one..

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that you're thinking about selling your photos! I love the art-sy versions but all your work is simply fab! :-)

love deb

Rachel said...

Gosh I like them all. I guess I like the one that has 4 photos on it best. Oh gee, I think I just said the same thing two different ways, didn't I?

Anonymous said...

I think it would depend upon the occasion, but I really love the Simple life...Good life one. Anna

Darla Hall said...

I love the altered ones, would definately have to have those.

Whitney said...

If I were buying/sending cards I would prefer the plain ones! Your photos are very nice on their own. I think the artsy photos are interesting but they distract from the image.

Anonymous said...

I like the straight shots. Simple and serene.
Jan (Toledo)

Kyna Petersen said...

All your photos are beautiful, the last two are my favorite. I like the simple backgrounds with the inspirational words. All of them are very nice though and would appeal to different people.

Also, that Steve for his fun post. I enjoyed it so much. It reminded me of my husband. :) Sometimes I cringe when he goes "fix" something because even though he gets it done - he is usually grumpy during the process. I loved the countdown to "priceless."

Anonymous said...

I much prefer the plain ones. You have such an eye for natural beauty there is no need for enhancement.

Becky said...

Hi Becky - I like just the photos themself as I often take photo note cards that folks have jotted me a note in and frame them. I think your photos say a 1000 words and no need to junk them up with stuff around. But the good thing is - it's ok for us to all like something different. Becky in Wendell, NC

Margie said...

Creative ones. They are really spectacular. When we were on vacation this year I took some lovely pictures & am having them made into note cards.