Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Boring Blog


This blog entry is comprised entirely of boring blah-ness and blogging housekeeping about the business of blogging that is done in a (usually) non-boring manner.

If you promise to read all the way to the end, you will win a big prize.

Yes. You will win a big prize of, um, the satisfaction of having read a boring blog all the way to the end.

Let's get started, shall we? I can just sense the anticipation hovering in the air. (Oh wait. I think that's actually the humidity that's hovering.)

Boring Blog Business Item Number 1:

Smithellaneous is now a .com!

Don't worry. You can can still access the blog at its old address: However, if you decide to pass the blog address on to your friends and family members (which of course I assume you are doing fatihfully five times an hour, seven days a week) you can just say that the address is

Isn't that just so incredibly and amazingly cool?

Well. At least I thought it was.

Moving right along . . .

Boring Blog Business Item Number 2:

I have a new e-mail address!

If you'll look at the right hand column of this (temporarily) boring blog, you will see that you can now write to me at:

Now lest you think that an email address like would take your letter straight to the company head quarters of the Smithellaneous Corporation to be screened by five different secretaries and administrative assistants before finally arriving on my desk(top), I am happy to inform you that the email still comes straight to me. Personally. Privately.

So if you want to write to me and complain that just looking at a photo of Steve's version of the Chicago Hot Dog gave you heart burn, you can do it! If you want to write and tell me that I look like I have lost 56 pounds in the last week, that's fine! If you want to let me know that your female doggie is madly in love with Snowy and wants to start an online romance, go for it! All e-mails are read and responded to. (And if I ever don't respond within 3-5 days, please re-send your letter.)

Let's see, I think we're at . . .

Boring Blog Business Item Number 3:

In about a week, some ads will start showing up here on Smithellaneous. For those of you who utterly loathe, hate, despise, and abhor ads on blogs, I am so very sorry. However, I am not sorry enough to turn down the chance to earn gobs of money (probably upwards of $1.25 a month) by doing what I'm already doing--writing a blog.

Boring Blog Item Number 4:

In the process of moving this blog address from blogspot to .com, my blog roll got misplaced. Or mislaid. Or deleted. Or something.

I tried to re-compile it from memory but at the age of 47, the memory bank has been robbed a few times and isn't as well stocked as it once was. So if your blog WAS listed on the blog roll to the right and you no longer see it, please email me at (all together now!) and I will reinstate it. Or re-type it. Or whatever.

Boring Blog Item Number 5:

Let me start by saying that I am always thrilled when something that I write means something special to one of my readers. In fact, it makes my entire day, week, month and YEAR when one of you lets me know you were somehow impacted by my words. I am blessed with a bunch of wonderful readers who are even willing to suffer through this blog on boring blog business!

With all that said, a little nightmare scenario occasionally passes before my eyes where, years from now, I come across a piece of writing floating around the web that ends with the dreaded words, "Author Unknown."

And I'll read it and say, "Hey! I wrote that!"

So to keep my little nightmare from ever coming true, I would like to request that you would please contact me before you forward any of my writing and also, include my name and blog address when you do so.

And to make all this a bit more official, I have included a notice of copyright in the right hand column. It basically means that any writing or pictures you see here should not be reproduced, copied or emailed without my permission.

As I said earlier, I am thrilled and honored when you want to share something I've written; it is the biggest compliment you could give me. So thanks for sharing my stuff and thanks for sharing it in the appropriate way.

Whew! That's a lot of verbiage for such a short request. Time to move along . . .

Boring Blog Item Number 6:

Oh wait. I don't HAVE a number six. That means we're finally done with the blah blog business boringness!


Don't you feel a great sense of relief? And satisfaction? And the joy of knowing you persevered to the bitter end?

I think it's time for a group hug!


PS. Be sure to head on over to the Backyard Fence to participate in the discussion over there!