And what night is that? you may ask.
Tonight we are sleeping in our new house!
ALL of our stuff will finally be in one place for the first time in forever. And because of that, I will finally be able to stop thinking so hard, which is a good thing because my brain is becoming borderline befogged. And bedraggled. And bamboozled. And bereft of braininess.
As part of our ongoing moving progress report, I am happy to say that the mattress on the king bed has been moved and the dust ruffle applied so that our bed can be made up today. We got all the miscellaneous storage boxes moved out of Sarah's bathroom so that Sarah can actually walk into her bathroom. (It's always very helpful to be able to walk into ones own bathroom.)
Yesterday, I joyfully liberated all of the clothes in our closet from their claustrophobic confines of garbage bags and rubber bands. We had gathered up 6-8 pieces of clothing at a time, put rubber bands around the hangers and then put an upside down trash bag over them, poking the bunched hangers out through a little slit in the bag. (Thanks for that great tip, Meagan!)
I have put most of our bathroom items away and am actually able to most of them. (Wonder of wonders!) The washer and dryer are hooked up and the dishes and pans are reasonably well organized.
And on that subject, Sarah was just saying last night, "Mom, I can't wait until we can sit at our own table using our own dishes again!"
Well, Princess Groovy Chick, tonight is the night! I don't know WHAT we'll be eating at our own table on our own dishes (my befogged brain hasn't thought that far ahead) but I must agree that it will be a great joy to finally gather in our new home and eat there as a family.
And speaking of our new home, thanks to all of you for your sweet comments yesterday concerning the decorating of our living room. Although the living room space is not real large, its more diminutive size will provide a cozy, intimate setting for conversation. And books. And friends. And chocolate.
Anyway, I wanted to comment on a few of your comments:
Judy, I was amazed that you would notice from the pictures how well the sofa table fit between the pillars. We were actually sort of surprised by that ourselves because, when we bought the table seven years ago, we didn't even think to use it as a sofa table. When it slid perfectly between those pillars, just like it had been designed to go there, Steve and I both did half of a happy dance. (We were too worn out for a full happy dance.) Anyway, thanks for noticing the Wonder Of The Perfectly Fitting Sofa Table.

As for Sarah and the color of her room, that is a question that is still up for debate. There are several factors we're weighing and sorting (no wonder I'm tired--it's all that weighing and sorting I've been doing) but we'll fill you in as we go along.
Nancy asked where we got our curtains in the living room.
They came from Bed, Bath and Beyond. They have large metal grommets in them that just slide over a metal (or wooden) rod and very easy to put up once the rod is in place.
Mary (one of my most faithful signers) asked whether we could ask the owner of the house to help refinish the floors if my breathing problems resurfaced. And she also asked if we are pretty sure that we're purchasing this house.
First of all, yes, this is the home we are buying when our house in Smithfield sells; we have signed a rent-to-own agreement. When we actually close on the house, the owner has signed papers stating that he will fix a couple things that are the most pressing and then will write a check to apply to the remaining things that need attention. (Not a terribly large check, but at least it will get us started.)
I'm thinking our first priority will be to try and replace all the flooring on the second floor and just start fresh. Whether or not we'll be able to afford hardwood in the bedroom is another thing altogether, but at least we'll have fresh, non dusty, non musty carpet. And my lungs said, "Amen!"
And on an entirely different, non-decorating note (and my few male readers said, "It's about time!") here is a sign that we see each time we cross the second big bridge leaving Manteo.

Isn't that fun?
What I'd like to know is what you're supposed to do if you are diligently watching for bears and actually see one? Yikes. I'm not sure if bears actually make it a habit to cross a highway or not (the way deer do), but I think it would be quite exciting to actually see one. (From inside a car, that is.)
From curtains to bears, that's the Smithellaneous Report for today. The next time I write, it will be from my own house.
9 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
Congratulations on the completion of the "moving in" and now the memories really begin. Can't wait to hear what you do serve for your first dinner around your table in your new home. I don't think it would matter what you served - the table will be beautifully set - as you seem to always do - I envy that skill and dedication. What an accomplishment - pat yourselves on the back on a job well done! You better have your camera ready in case you do see a bear cross the road - why does a bear cross the road?
What I do when I see a bear on the road is slow down and drive slowly past them while everyone not driving frantically looks for a camera to take a picture or just stares at the bear. That is if the bear is on the side of the road. If the bear is in the middle of the road.... well stopping before you hit the bear is a good idea and then you just wait for him/her to move. Oh right... then the driver is also frantically looking for the camera along with the passengers. ;-) This process also works well with deer, moose, elk, mountain goat and mountain sheep or any moving object that decides they like the grass on the other side of road instead of the safe grass on theirs.
Long time lurker. Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy you sharing your family with all the readers. Can't even remember when I was led to Sarah's site and totally fell in love. I have cried, laughed and prayed with you guys. Congratulations on your next adventure and again thank you for sharing.
PS Your new home is beautiful
I love your new home! The living and dining rooms are lovely. I will be anxious to photos of the rest of the house when you are done unpacking.
Praying that the house in Smithfield sells very soon!
I think the living room looks lovely! I remember Chlorita freaking out when she say the Bear sign as we left the Outer Banks on our trip last year. We didn't see any bears though. When I had my place remodeled I had Pergo floors installed instead of hardwood, which I had in my previous house. I find the Pergo is easier to keep clean than the hardwood was. I use a little steam mop type machine with just water. Chemical smelling cleaners really both me so this was a real plus. It has held up very well the eight years I have been here and I just bet that Steve could install it himself.
Cindy from Sonoma
I've seen the bear crossing sign many many many times through the years..never have I seen a bear but I always look! I also look for alligators in those big ditches.. :)
We bought our wood floors at Lumber Liquidators...price wasn't too bad!
Loving your new home!
I'm guessing whatever you have for dinner will contain some form of cheese. Just a guess. A cheesy guess, I guess.
From a formerly one of your most consistent signers who now has trouble finding time to even read emails let alone blogs.
But I do read yours at least every other day.
Signing...not so much. much.
BTW: I am starting to feel pretty great. Almost like myself. Yay, God. (Consider that a CB update.)
Gorgeous! I think one time you said that yellow wasn't one of your favorite colors... but the contrast with the dark woods, and browns, and burgundy is absolutely gorgeous!!!!
I'm singing The Bear Went Over the Mountain...
wondering what he might see in Manteo....
mrs pam
Thanks for the info. I was very pleased to hear Bed Bath and Beyond. Maybe this will motivate me to change ours after Christmas. Thanks and I hope you have a wonderful first night.
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