The surgeon called earlier than expected with biopsy results.
The bad news is that I have breast cancer.
The good news is that it was caught early.
It will still require fairly aggressive treatment which won’t be any fun, but at least the cancer is treatable.
Steve and I will leave early tomorrow morning for a long session with the surgeon about treatment possibilities. So far the options he’s mentioned by phone have been a lumpectomy followed by radiation OR a mastectomy. I'll try to fill you in on a few more things when we get back home tomorrow.
Also, I'll be having an MRI soon to be make sure it hasn’t spread.
I didn’t want to write about the diagnosis here until we had informed our church family, which is why there’s been a slight delay in posting it here since receiving the news.
We’re doing okay.
Taking deep breaths.
Getting ready for this new (scary, tear-producing, grace-revealing) season of our lives.
108 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
well crap becky. i'm so so so so so so so sorry to hear this. incredibly sorry to hear this. i can't say enough sorrys. know that you'll be in my prayers.
You know we are praying! Love You so.
I'm so sorry. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
You know that I am, and have been, praying! And, of course, those prayers will continue. May Jesus carry you extra close in these days to come!
Lisa in San Diego
Dear Becky,
I am so sorry to hear this news, but I also know that you have an amazing family and friends that will rally around you and support you. Please know that all of us near and far are praying for you!
Debbie in Sacramento
Becky, I've been a reader for awhile now, but a silent one. I've grown to love your family thru your posts and want you to know that I will keep you and all of your family in my prayers during this time of treatment. I'll also try not to remain so silent when I visit. :)
Vicky in Indiana
Prayers, prayers, and more prayers from this random blog follower. I was Sarah's age when my mother had IIIC breast cancer, so I'm putting a few extra ones out there for her, too. I'm sure she has so much wisdom and comfort to offer you, since she's walked where you're walking... and I know your family will court this setback with grace... but I wish you didn't have to be so graceful again.
Oh no :( I'm so sorry to hear the news Becky...
So sorry to hear this.
I'll be praying for you and your family.
So sorry. I will be thinking of you and your family.
I am keeping you all in my prayers, as always. So glad they caught this early. I wish I was nearby to give you a hand in some small way. But I know you have a lot of support around you. Jill
Hooo boy. Dang it. I so hate to hear this for you. If you have questions from someone who's been in the trenches, feel free to email me at any time. (((hugs)))
Oh Becky, my heart sank when I read that. But I know God is faithful and will see you and your family through this difficult time. Praying for you sweet lady.
(((BIG HUGS)))
Well Becky, can the Lord add any more to your plate at this time? He must have lots of faith in you :)
Prayers for you and Steve, Nathan and Sarah as you all trudge through.
I read somewhere that moms of kiddos with neuroblastoma have a higher incidence of breast this true?
Thinking of and praying for you and your family...
Oh dear. I'm so sorry for this news. I'll be thinking of you...
Praying for you and your family!
I will be praying for you and your family as you figure out this new road you are on. About 10 years ago, my mom got this same diagnosis, she ended up having a lumpectomy and did radiation, she has been cancer free since. I hope the same for you!!!
Oh, Becky. I'm really bad when it comes to serious stuff and can never find the right words, so let me just send you a virtual hug from Rome. And personally, I have no doubts that you are way stronger than any bad calcification. Not to mention Early Stage stuff! :)
Praying for you Becky!!
I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis. We will be praying for you as you journey through this big bump in the road of your life.
Your cousin Sandy
Becky I will be praying for you.
Prayer Angels are praying for you.
This is a note to let you know someone was thinking of you and requested I post a message for prayers on the Prayer Angels message board.
Liz Shanahan
Caringbridge Page:
Prayer Angels Prayer Board:
I am so sorry to hear this news. Glad to know that it was caught early. Keeping the entire Smith family in my prayers during this time. You are an incredibly strong, encouraging and amazing person.
Hugs and prayers,
I'm so sorry to hear your news; I'd been praying for you to get an "all clear" from the biopsy. My thoughts & prayers will be with you.
Our Lord Jesus goes before you. Praying.
Your news, while devastating has not diminished your wonderful spirit.
The support that is given to you on this blog, and the support you gain from your strong beliefs will serve you well.
Of course, all the readers to your blog are in your corner, and supporting you in the way that is comfortable for each individual...prayer, positive thoughts, whatever...
Positive thoughts and whatevers from me in Minnesota....
Kathie Mayo
Becky, I am hoping you were able to have someone sit with you, let you cry and give you kleenex and a snack as you did for Sarah. I am so sorry to hear this news. You are in my prayers.
Oh Becky, I am so sorry to hear your news. I am glad that it was caught early but I know you must still be so upset. If anyone can do it, you can!!! I know anything with -ectomy at the end doesn't sound too fun, but it might not be as bad as you think, and at least there would be some finality to that decision. You will make the best choice for you and we will all be there to help you through!!
Oh dear. I'm a longtime lurker, popping in to let you know that you and your family are being held close in hearts even of complete strangers. Know that I, and certainly many others, am thinking of you with hope and care. May you all be blessed with the courage, grace, and strength you need to see you through this.
Hugs from South Jersey.
Praying for all of you, Becky. He IS faithful and will walk with you through this. And I know of a certain special 14-year old who will also be with you all the way. God bless.
jenny in Idaho
Praying for clarity of mind and the direction of the Lord to make the right decisions, as well as His peace that passes all understanding! Love & Prayers, Tara
We are praying for your entire family to endure another battle. It attacked the wrong have a family of warriors. I wish there was more we could do from Wisconsin. Hopefully you will find comfort in knowing that so many people from so many places are praying for you.
my thoughts will be with you and your family as you travel this already traveled road. you have an amazing strength and family so i am sure this is something you will overcome. you have plenty of us all over to help stand behind you when you need to lean and a great family to give you support also.
Thoughts and prayers!!!
I'm so sorry. You will remain in my prayers.
I am praying for you, Becky! I know all about the scary world of cancer. I watched my mom's only sister-in-law go thru a mastectomy in Sept. 2007 and then my parents' own battles with lung cancer. My aunt won the battle but unfortunately my parents did not. I sooo pray that everything works out for you.
Kristi in MO
Loving the number of comments that have already been left; I knew you had the support out here in blogland! You've been on my mind a lot and will continue to stay there as I pray continually for good things to come of this. I have a few "go-to" verses that really pull me through the tough times, and this one is on my heart right now:
"I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand." Psalm 40:1-2
I am so glad that The Rock is a real and present part of your life; I know that you will not be swept away by this, because you are on solid ground.
With love, sadness, and HOPE....
Becky, so sorry to hear your latest news. I have been a silent reader for a very long time but felt compelled to post a comment. I will be keeping you & your family in my prayers. Rely on your family & faith to get you through.
I am so sorry to have to read this. It makes me so angry because you have had enough on your plate. I wish I could do something for you. I have a friend who is the practice manager for a breast surgeon and if you have any questions, let me know. Hugs to you, Becky and family.
Oh Becky! I am sorry to hear this news. You are your entire family are in my thoughts. You are all so strong of faith and can get through this together!
Becky, I'm so sorry, of course to hear this. But what a blessing that you and your doctor have been so aggressive about staying on top of things. Er...on top of monitoring, not staying on top of THOSE things. ;)
You'll be in my prayers, now more than ever.
Jan Reuther
Love and prayers to you Becky. If Sarah can beat cancer, so can her AWESOME mom!!! Cancer picked the wrong lady to mess with!
Praying for you, Becky, as are LOTS of folks, no doubt. There is so much power in prayer ... of course, your Sarah is living proof of that! :)
Hang in there, Becky, as I know you'll be just fine - with a family like YOURS to support you, how COULD'T you be?!?! ;)
Keeping you and your family in my prayers, Dear Friend. God hears and honors our prayers in His Time and His Way! Much love in Christ,Dorine McNary
Becky: Randy and I are sitting here reading your site together...both heart broken for you and the family. With tears in our eyes...we are lifting you up in prayer. You will continue (as always) on our minds - you have a great support in your family and your blogging buddies. Here for you......
Also a lurker here, but needed to comment today. I am sorry to hear this, but relieved it seems to be caught early. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts for sure. I love your blog and of course, Sarahs.
Becky, I'm so sorry that those cells decided they would 'go to the dark place.' But you have been diagnosed early,and that, my friend, will make all the difference. I am praying for you, and deep in my heart, I feel that you will be ok. I know it is scary and 'unknown'... but in the end? You'll be ok.
Oh Becky I'm so sorry! Big hugs from the western end of NC.
unfortunately our nanny is in the hospital with a major blood infection. she wanted me to tell you that we are all praying for you. she wanted you to knwo she loves you and she knows you must be scared. then she told me how strong and courageous you are.
you'll beat this becky. so many prayers your way.
kathy, Nancys mom
So sorry to hear this, Becky. I'm just another blog reader, but I'll be thinking of you.
Wow. I read that first line over and over, hoping I was reading it wrong. I'll be praying for you and your family over this new journey you're undertaking. God bless you.
With love from Kim ( from TN )
Darn - I was so sure it was just going to be more of that "worrisome" stuff you went through last year. But treatable is always good. And if the power of prayer is worth anything, you know you have soooo many people on your side. Plus you've got the best darn family right by your side every step of the way. Take care, and good luck as you embark on yet another cancer journey.
Thinking of you always.
Thinking of you all .
Oh no, I'm so sorry! So, so sorry! Thinking of you xx
Becky, I am so sorry to hear about this diagnosis. I will keep you and your family in my prayers. May God's healing grace shine upon you especially as we enter this Holy Week. Anna
I am so sorry to hear this. I will be praying for you!
Becky I don't think I've yet left a comment before but I have followed Sarah's site and this one for quite some time. I know with your families strong faith and having to deal wuth cancer in the past ya'll will pull through this. I am so sorry that you all will have to go through this but you have many many prayers being said on your behalf. Lots of prayers and hugs for you all!!!!
Dana in Greenville SC
Becky I don't think I've yet left a comment before but I have followed Sarah's site and this one for quite some time. I know with your families strong faith and having to deal wuth cancer in the past ya'll will pull through this. I am so sorry that you all will have to go through this but you have many many prayers being said on your behalf. Lots of prayers and hugs for you all!!!!
Dana in Greenville SC
Lifting you and your family up in prayer, may our Heavenly Father carry you through this.
Well, poop.
Another person out there thinking of you. xoxo
I am so sorry to hear that. I'm sending good thoughts your way!
Becky, I've read your pages for months, but have been too shy to post. I love reading about your life and the courage you've shown through battles already faced. I know that strength, courage, faith & your incredible family will see you through this too. Praying for you, always.
I'm so sorry Becky. I will say a prayer for you and your family.
I'm so very sorry to hear the news of your breast cancer. I'm also so very thankful that God is in control of ALL things. Allow Him to shine through you during this trying time. Love and prayers to you and your precious family!
Friend in NC
Oh, Becky, I'm so sorry to hear about your diagnosis. You know you have an army of readers who have been praying for you...and will continue to do so.
(((Hugs))) to you...
Mary Z
Becky I am sorry to hear about the cancer diagnosis, but am thankful they caught it early. Will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Becky, Jim read the line to me about breast cancer last night and I just couldn't read the message at that time. So hard to take in. Praying for you as always and knowing God is on the throne. My aunt had a lumpectomy at Greenville several years ago and took radiation. She has been fine for many years now. I Know God is in control and we will pray and follow you daily uplifting up the entire family. Might just see you in Greenville one day. Love to all.
I am SO sorry for your latest news and was praying for a different answer. BUT, you have been down a similar road before and handled it with God's grace and mercy. I'm confident with God's grace and mercy this time that you will do the same. You can either sink or swim in times like these and from past experiences, you've made it pretty evident that you're a WONDERFUL SWIMMER!:-) My prayers are with each and every one of you as well as the doctors, nurses, etc. that will be taking care of you! God is the complete Healer!
My prayers are with you, Becky. Again, I urge you to go to a major breast cancer center so that they can do an in depth analysis of your cells. There are many, many types of breast cancer, and in the smaller hospitals, they are clumped together. I have a distinct feeling that some women who are dxed with breast cancer may not have a true cancer but unusual cell formations in the breast that the labs just cannot classify. By going to a medical center with a pathology lab and a doctor who can eyeball these cells and know many types well, you can get a more specific analysis.
As you know from your experience with Sarah, there are places that just do not have the experience with certain cancer types, and you do better with a place that is used to dealing with thousands of such cases each year for many years.
The prayer waiting room is full and overflowing with all your friends and family. I hope you can feel it. You are strong, your husband is strong and devoted, your son is a mature young man with strength beyond measure for his mama and your cancer warrior daughter will be your greatest strength - rely on all of them and us. We will march you through this. I am expecting your complete recovery. Love and prayers. I am sorry, so very sorry you have to endure this.
I am so sorry - just wanted to let you know that I am praying hard for you! You can beat this monster!!
I remember a while back when Sarah was facing relapse and you had asked for prayers. My faith at that point was badly shaken, yet I prayed for your sweet girl with all of my heart and soul. We all know how that specific prayer request was answered, and for me personally it was a wake up call to never underestimate the power of prayer. That being said please know that I will humbly add you to my prayers knowing that God hears every single word (even if some of us don't believe he's listening).
Bridget from Canada
Becky, So sorry to hear your news but wanted to tell you I will be praying for you and your family's strength during this time and for the doctor's who will be treating you. I'm guessing this will require a lot of CHOCOLATE!!!!!!
Karen in Dallas
I second Mommy's comment:
Well, Poop!
But Jesus loves you this you know and he will see you through.
Prayers and Hugs ♥
I am so sorry to hear the news, it has to be overwhelming. I am sending hugs and prayers for calm and strength! We love you!!..madie and gina
Becky ... I'm sorry to hear your bad news but am thankful for your early detection. Please know that you are in my prayers as you undergo all of the decisions to be made and treatments to be taken.
Thinking of you with empathy and prayer. May you be comforted!
--Lori (Christoffersen) Johnson of Washington state (formerly of Wisconsin)
Becky, I am just drawn back here often today. "Grace-revealing" no doubt. Yours, has already been revealed to so many and His will be the best for us to see. Praying and thinking of you often.
Praying for your complete recovery and for the treatment to go easy on you, but not the cancer. *hugs*
Becky, I am a long-time following of your beautiful Sarah, but I am also a soon-to-be 37 year old breast cancer survivor. I was diagnosed at the tender young age of 31...ugh. There is life after this diagnosis and quite frankly it's a fantastic life. Take care of it and then move certainly know how to do that. Atleast now you get to share yet one more thing with Sarah and that will be the title of "Cancer Survivor"!
Becky, I'll be praying for you.
Oh Becky ~ I am SO very sorry to read this very scary news. God be with you and your family as you make decisions for treatment and move forward with them. I will continue to lift you up in prayer.
Well ding, dong, drat! Holding you up in prayer to the Lord. Hugs, hugs and more hugs!
Praying as always.
Margie M
Please know that you are in my prayers! Wendy
I'm sorry to hear the news.
(((big hugs)))
And I agree with Catherine that because of the difficulty last time that you follow her suggestion.
Best of luck.
Praying for you all.
Becky. I am quite sorry! I imagine you were expecting those results, but it sure doesn't make it any easier to know officially. Praying for you as you fight this dumb cancer monster.
btw, I wore my Fight Breast Cancer socks this morning,
and thought of you when I put them on.
So glad you have a new supportive church family to help you through these difficult times.
mrs. pam
I just didn't expect this... so I'm imagining the shock that you must have felt upon hearing this news. Thankfully, it was caught early because you have been very pro-active.. You can do this.. you have a supportive family, a strong belief and lots of internet strangers praying for you, as we continue to pray for Sarah's continued good health. God bless, Becky. I am so sorry..
Oh Becky~ I'm SO sorry to hear this. We will be COVERING you and the rest of your family with MUCH...MUCH prayer.
Remember...although this may have caught you off HASN'T caught God off guard. He's not sitting in heaven wondering what in the world he's going to do now.
Rather...he's grasping you hand...and he will lead you..each and every steop of the way on this journey.
Love ya friend.
I posted a comment earlier but not sure it went through. I just wanted to tell you I am so sorry you are going through this and you and your family are in my thoughts/prayers. Hugs to all of you!
Um, I'm commenting on your March 29th post, but couldn't resist being your 100th commenter on THIS post! Ha!
You and your family are never far from my thoughts, and always in my prayers.
Becky, had wanted to know how your lungs were doing, and I come to Sarah's spot and then to Smithellaneous and hear that you have breast cancer. Thankfully, you caught it early. There is Bible Study tomorrow and our ladies will remember you in prayer. I'm sure Sarah is one of your blankets at this time.
I pray that you will not lose sight of the face of the Lord, even when his hand seems so far away.
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