Friday, March 26, 2010

March 2009

It’s always fun to look back occasionally and see what we were doing exactly a year ago. Here is the Smith Family, circa 2009.

We start with the happy photo of me at the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor, preparing to have a lovely little “camera on a wire” stuck up my nose and back down my throat. I’m only smiling in this picture because the doctor was just posing for the camera; he had not yet begun the real business of making me cry, gag, and threaten to choke him.

vocal machine

I’m in a happier state here, celebrating my 47th birthday with friends.

becky smile

Here is the table we served our friends at for my birthday. Note the paper towel flower holder. Hey, when you’re classy you’re classy!

The reason for the newspaper is that we were serving a wonderful, tasty, messy shrimp dish where the guests were invited to peel the shrimp with their fingers and throw the shells on the table.

Which they did. Which is the reason for the newspaper. And the paper towels.

birthday table

And here is the table that our friends walked by to get to the classy newspaper table! (We kept our dining room table set all the time back then since we were showing our house.)

real birthday table

And this is the cheesecake that Steve and Sarah made for my birthday. From scratch. By hand! (They made it and I decorated it.)

bithday pie

A Smith Fam Collage that I was messing around with in March. (Even though the pictures were taken earlier.)

fam collage

Shortly after Nathan got back from five weeks in Jerusalem, he and a college roommate went to Colorado to ski. And also to climb rocks and make their mothers nervous.

nate climbing

When he finally got home from all his adventures, Steve and I were very glad.

nathan home1

In other news, Sarah’s story was featured in our local paper.


And Sarah showed off her polka dotted school outfit.

polka dot outfit

March was also a month of some painful tests for her. Here she is after an EEG. (A nerve conduction study having to do with electricity. NOT a fun thing.)

sarah crying

This is one of my favorite pictures of her; it’s right after the test was over and she was dressed to go. I love the look of calm, peaceful courage on her face.

sarah after

In happier times.

sarah blog


From the Comments Area:

Holly let me know that I had left off the measurement unit on the chicken recipe I posted yesterday; I just went back in and added “Cups” to those measurements. Thanks, Holly, for letting me know.

Judy asked if the word “Welcome” over the door was a new addition.

Yes, indeedy it is, and thanks for noticing! It’s actually stick on letters that we found one day for about 80% off. I had been wanting something to put in that space and that was the perfect thing.

Here is a little better view of it.

IMG_2965 IMG_2953

And I must say that I continue to be in a veritable state of dismay and distress over all the “Bed, Beth, Bath, Beyond” comments that have come in over my little, tiny, miniscule spelling error.

Jan Reynolds said, “Okay since Sue G. pointed it out to begin with... it didn't say Bed, Beth and Beyond... It said Beth, Beth and Beyond! I thought maybe you had taken a pain pill or something since it was right after your biopsy...”

Kim said, I noticed the Beth, Beth and Beyond as well....and since there were two "Beths"..I figured there was a store I had just not heard of before, ...and not just a spelling mistake ! LOL :) This is such a fun place to come.

Sue said, “You wrote that you wandered into "Beth, Beth and Beyond." So, in your rush to organize even names of major companies, you made both Bed and Bath Beth, thereby conserving energy and word usage. Smart girl.”

Ahh. I think I like Sue’s “take” on this the best. I am not a mistake-makin’ ninny.

I’m a smart girl.

And on that lovely thought, I shall close.

10 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):

Pam D said...

You ARE a smart girl! And you will notice that I was too polite to point out any errors (mainly because that would open the door for finger-pointing in MY direction, and goodness knows I make errors!). Of course, I've actually MET you in real life (HA, Sue G.... ), so I know how truly wonderful you really are. I love you, Becky Smith! :<)

Saffyres said...

I'm chuckling over the Bed/Beth, Beth/Bath & Beyond, but even more over the misspelling of "minuscule" in your comments about the misspelling. :)

Saffyres said...

By the way, I love your ability to laugh at yourself, as well as your ability to receive potentially critical comments with grace and aplomb. :)

Sheri Hawley said...

Thanks for making me smile this morning! You are an amazing lady indeed. Love You!

Lisa said...

Okay, now that it's out there, I just thought you wrote Beth, Beth & Beyond so if anyone googled it, they wouldn't be directed to your page...or something like that. :)

No offense Saffyres, but "miniscule" is correct too. :O)

MaryH said...

Thanks for the fun update and the look back. The B, B, and B typo made me chuckle when I first saw it and laugh even more with all the friendly jabs back and forth. I think we have a humorous group here and I am sure I have a typo in here somewhere but I am not skilled at finding it - I should be able to - that is part of my job! Oh well, lucky my boss was a professional proofreader before he was an attorney. Have a good weekend.

MaryH said...

Thanks for the fun update and the look back. The B, B, and B typo made me chuckle when I first saw it and laugh even more with all the friendly jabs back and forth. I think we have a humorous group here and I am sure I have a typo in here somewhere but I am not skilled at finding it - I should be able to - that is part of my job! Oh well, lucky my boss was a professional proofreader before he was an attorney. Have a good weekend.

Sue G said...

I do NOT point fingers. I am an editor. I edit.

What I don't do is proofread my own entries, allowing me to make many mistakes of my own.

And, yes, Pam D, we ALL know you have met Becky. And, all kidding aside, it makes me happy to know the two of you were blessed to have time together.

Becky, the picture of you at your birthday (picture #2 where you are facing forward and we get a sideways shot of you) is absolutely one of my most favorite of you...EVER. It highlights all of your best qualities: your petite features, your perfect nose, those amazing eyes. Plus your great bone structure and only ONE chin. You look just beautiful. Truly.

I'm being serious here. So leave it alone. And I know I tease you a lot. But, no matter how much I tease you, you are always in my heart.

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