I have showered! (When stepping into a shower makes you cry, you know you're teetering on the emotional edge.) :-)
I have put on fresh clothes!
I have washed and styled my hair!
I have even put on make up!
I don't know when I have ever been so happy.
I'll try to post a picture of the new and improved me soon but just getting the drains out has made me feel like a new woman.
Ahhhh . . . . my whole entire self is smiling.
33 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
Yay for no drains. I *told* you that was the worst part!
Hope you're on the road to a better frame of mind and full recovery. I was getting rather concerned that you were still having so much post-op pain and were sleeping so much. :/
Now - you're free of drains and you can start DOING things again, albeit in moderation. Get out of the house! That will do you a WORLD of good. :)
Hooray! I'm so happy to hear that YOU are back. It's good to be honest when times are tough, but isn't it nice to be able to honestly say that it's a good day? Prayers end with miracles--just look at you. Miracles run in your family though, so what did you expect?
Something told me to check in again - guess there was a very GOOD reason! Becky, not that I am accusing you of anything but.....who took the drains out!?? Hopefully it was a medical person and not a frustrated woman we all know and love. Anyway, what a relief and you have made a tremendous stride on this path to recovery. What happiness I could "hear" in your words. So happy for you to be fresh and showered and coiffed and styled and made up! Still praying because it really, really seems to be working - not that I ever doubted it. Happy, Happy Day!
So many sweet wonderful news.
Thank you!
Please continue to be very gentle with self. After all those wondrous beauty tasks, it sounds like you should just enjoy your own beauty and the freedom from drains for the rest of the day on the sofa and/or your bed.
In loving light,
I am so happy for you! Praise the Lord!
Crying tears of joy for you...I am so happy that God has sent so many blessings your way in the past few weeks. Sometimes we just have to stop and smell the roses...Hurry and get well....we miss you're lovely, cheery self!!
Two posts in one day. Yay. We have her back, folks. Our little ol' happy, smiling, photography-taking, song-writing, thrift shop-shopping girl is BAAAACK!
And she's squeaky clean, too.
I wish you could see the smile on my face after reading this terrific post! Welcome back to the world of feeling more like yourself. I had the weirdest thing happen today as I was googling "length of hospitalization for bilateral mastectomy" because I was convinced you had been sent home far too early. Imagine my surprise to find an answer to the very same question, and when I went back to read the question more carefully, I realized it was your question! I shouldn't have been surprised to find that you had wanted to know the same thing. From reading some of the other answers, it does sound like you got the short end of the stick, so to speak.
Now that I have expressed my delight at hearing that you are drain-free, clean and feeling better, I will read about the house sale. First things first, though.
Just don't do too much because you feel so much better!
YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! That is wonderful news!!!
Wonderful news!!!!!
Gayle in AL
Wow! A day early? I was thinking they came out on Friday. I know you feel much better now with a shower, clean hair and best of all, no drains. Elaine
Yippee! :O) Smiling right along with ya!
How wonderful for you, no drains and a shower! Things are looking up. Hope the rest of your week goes well. Anna
I am so happy for you! First the house sells, then you are drain free. God is GREAT! He knows our limits and promises not to take us through more than we can stand. He knows how strong you really are :) and is probably smiling so huge because of your faithfulness to Him.
So glad the drains are gone. God continues to be good and we rejoice. Taking a shower is wonderful after you can't do so for a few days and to wash your hair---what more could you ask for. So happy for you. Will continue praying. Have to stop and take my puppy outside. He is pitifully asking to go. Love all!
Absolutely thrilled for you, Becky!!
No drains AND a sold home? As Lewis Carroll would say, "O frabjous day! Calloo! Callay"! I just had to go a weak, measly, piddly two days without a shower because of stitches. I don't know how you did it for so long - you must be some kind of hero! Get out and enjoy that swing, now :)
I didn't know you couldn't shower with drains ~ no wonder (among other reasons) you were miserable! That is the best part of any camping trip (not that I love camping by any means) ~ but getting to take a hot, soapy shower and wash all of the campfire smoke, trail dust and S'more droppings off of yourself when you get home...ahhhh. =] L in AK
Just FYI - my doc allowed showering with drains, but his surgical partner didn't. Weird. All docs have different rules.
So very thankful that you are better! And that the house sold. And that your amazing husband got a porch swing to celebrate. And so happy that Princess G. C. Can remain happily ensconced in her vast domain!!!!!
Dear Becky, I am beyond thrilled to read you have sold your house in Smithfield. What a wonderful relief and answer to so many prayers being said. The smile on Sarah's face while your family was praying before dinner simply 'said it all'. Precious - my word of the day to describe PGC!!
I pray for you every day; you are such a strong woman and have handled this whole cancer nightmare with such grace and dignity. You are an inspirational woman and when you are all healed and rested I honestly think you should write a book on your Breast Cancer experience. You have such a wonderful way with words, are extremely interesting and witty. In my opinion you have a very calming/caring/loving/nurturing nature that one can actually feel while reading your blogs. I just think you could give so many woman the courage to look their diagnosis in the eye and face it head-on. I know you are NO WHERE near healed/rested/recouporated enough to even think about that now; I just thought I might 'plant the seed' :)
Please know you are prayed for and thought of daily by so many, including me!
Deb Mathy
Yeah for good reports and things being on the upside of this surgery now!
Keep feeling better!
You did it!! You are officially on the other side of your surgery journey! That calls for some celebratory chocolate!
Terrific news Becky! And I loved the story of the Smith House! I think you should just park in that swing and rest awhile...
Amazing what a shower can do to get you out of the "sick funk." But, I'm amazed with you styling your hair and doing all that activity with your arms. I think that is absolutely awesome!
Prayers and hugs!
Connie F-G
So happy you are feeling better. Life resumes...
Happy Day!!!
Woo hoo! I am so very happy for you!
My entire self is smiling with your entire self. :-)
Yea! What happy news to begin a lovely weekend in our area of the south. You sound better already. Amazing what a warm shower can do for your spirit. Praying for your speedy recovery.
And your "blog friends" are smilin' right back at ya! ;)
Praying things only get better from here.
Have a fabulous Friday!
Freedom!!! Doing a happy dance for you!
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