Friday, May 28, 2010


(Note: Just this morning, Sheri, my dear friend (and Meagan's mom), posted a new blog entry that made me smile and also made me nod my head in sympathy and great understanding. Click here to read it!)

And now on to my post . . .

One short hour ago, Nathan got into his car and pointed its hood south toward Florida. Toward away from home. Toward, no longer in North Carolina.


Even though I knew it was coming, I’m never really prepared for the Actual Moment. The Actual Leaving. The Actual Being Gone. The Actual Absence of the Actual College Dude.

Before he left though, Steve made sure to get some work out of him. (And Nathan got some “work salary” out of Steve so it “worked” out pretty well!) Yesterday they spent about seven hours installing our automatic garage door opener.


And speaking of Nathan and working, he got word a couple days ago that the job he was banking on in Florida didn’t come through. He had impeccable references and a great interview but they told him that his application had gotten in a little later than everyone else’s and by the time they got to it, the positions were filled.

So that means that Nathan has had two “sure thing” jobs fall through in the last couple of months and now he’s really behind, trying to land a job in Florida when most college students have already started working. It’s been sort of a bummer, but he’s kept a good attitude about it. (He’s looking in the Lakeland/Winter Haven area if anyone knows of anything.)

Last night, as Steve and Nathan were out in the garage finishing up their job, one of our wonderful church members pulled into the driveway with this bag for Nathan full of good advice and good goodies. Don’t you love the name? “The Front Seat Bag.”

IMG_4562 IMG_4568

This morning when he came downstairs (wearing the t-shirt from the Front Seat Bag), I fixed him breakfast since it would be my last chance to cook for him for many months. (Sniff.)


This is the look he gets on his face if anyone threatens to take his food away. Don’t even think about it!


Before Sarah left for school, a hug ensued. (Sniff.)


And a brother/sister pose.


And then it was time to pack the car. Obviously Nathan didn’t wear all these clothes while he was here; he’s just using his car as a “second home” while he’s transitioning between dorm living and his summer accommodations. (He’ll be staying with Meagan’s sister and brother-in-law over the summer.)


He had to unpack a few things in order to re-pack and he needed someone to hold onto his ties for a minute.


Guess who was elected as the Tie Tree?IMG_4611

While Nathan was packing, Snowy nonchalantly strolled outside thinking, “Hmm. Nathan has some snacks in the Front Seat Bag. I wonder if I can just sneak into the car and stow away without anyone noticing.”


Looking for a spot to hide between the suitcases.


Double checking to see if anyone is noticing his surreptitious movements.


Oh drat. Noticed. Removed. Held captive. (Sigh.)


In case you’re wondering what the well dressed College Dude wears to travel, the answer is: a t-shirt, basketball shorts and flip flops. I must say I’m just slightly jealous of men who can get dressed in about twenty-five seconds. Maybe my new, post-surgical look should be basketball shorts and flip flops. Ya think?


The last hug. (I’m not crying yet.)


Watching him back out of the driveway. This is when I cried.


I think Ill just spend the day gazing fondly at this picture of my sandals next to his.

Mementos of a special time. With an extra special son. (Sniff)


5 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):

Sheri Hawley said...

Oh my! I love you, friend. And my heart hurts with you for having a wonderful child far away from the nest. We will do our best to love on him down here (and help search out another job). Thanks so much for your continued encouragement with the blog, Becky. I really have you to thank for this fulfilling outlet. Have a great weekend.

lesley said...

Oh Becky, it's a difficult day. I dread these moments. After a few days I usually start to feel better. One would think that with all the comings and goings we do with these boys, we would get 'good' at this. But we never do. And I guess we never will.

Anonymous said...

This whole saying good-bye to kids again and again as they leave over and over again - no fun. : - )
(college, military duty good-byes for me with my four young adults - oh, and marriage for one!)

I've actually been visiting your area this past week - OBX and Manteo - and enjoying many photo-ops. : - )

Ann Martin said...

Know the feeling watching him leave and knowing it will be months before you see him again. I can relate to the tears as one son lives in IN and we don't see him, his wife, and our grandson often. So sorry his FL job fell through also. God must have something really special for him. We are waiting for storms moving our way. Hope they keeping moving quickly as tomorrow we head for the beach like "millions" of others. I just pray everyone left today and we will be one of the few traveling tomorrow. Enjoy the holiday week end.

Stitches and Thyme said...

The day my daughter left for Kentucky with her husband I had to interview someone for a job in my group. Not being someone that can keep my emotions in, I started talking with the interviewee about being an empty-nester all of a sudden. We had being single parents in common and she started talking about her son growing up and leaving someday and I talked about my daughter leaving and we both started to cry. In the interview.

Needless to say, I ended up hiring her. Fortunately, she was a good hire, but it could be said that I hired her partly because I made her cry. We laugh about it now, but boy, the first few days she was on the job we would tear up every time we talked about our kids.