I’ve spent a couple hours over the last day working on a post about the wedding song that I wrote for Nathan and Meagan. When that post is finished it will include the story behind the writing of the song, an actual recording of the song and the lyrics. I’m hoping to have it done by the end of the day but in the meantime, I have another story for you.
Yesterday at noon, our doorbell rang and we opened the door to find these two lovely ladies standing on the porch.
Jennifer (the mom) and Rebecca (the daughter) are visiting the United States from England. Rebecca is a faithful Smithellaneous reader (and at eighteen, one of the youngest) and she emailed a few weeks ago to say they would be in the area and asked if it would be possible to meet.
But of course!
I love meeting Smithellaneous readers and I cannot begin to tell you what a delightful time we had with our new friends. We spent two hours discussing our respective countries and learned fascinating facts about each others’ cultures, idioms, education, care of the elderly, universities, career training, slang, entertainment, flags, food, and transportation.
Jennifer is a teacher who is very passionate about her job; it was inspiring to hear how much she loves making a difference in the lives of her kids. Rebecca will start college this fall to become a midwife; I was especially interested to hear how she described England’s treatment of pregnant women. She said that unless an expectant mother has complications, she will not see a doctor for the entirety of her pregnancy, all the way through delivery and postnatal care--the midwife handles it all. The reason for this is that pregnancy is not seen as an illness and non-illnesses shouldn’t require doctors. I thought that perspective was quite fascinating.
Of course, it goes without saying that even when we were talking about the most prosaic of subjects, Rebecca and Jennifer's accents lent to their words the most dignified and amazing charm.
Sarah has always loved all things English and she and I and Steve would absolutely love to visit the country someday. Also, Sarah's friend, Taylor, was with us for the day and since she is in school dramas and loves studying accents, she was especially intrigued by the conversation.
When our new friends had driven away, Sarah, Taylor and I stood on the porch and all agreed that we felt like never speaking another word ever again because we could never measure up to the loveliness of that appealing English accent.
But after a little thought, Sarah and Taylor decided that they would just compensate by speaking in English accents for the rest of the day; after all, they’d just been through two hours of language by immersion. They were actually quite good at it and it was nice to have the English atmosphere extended for a little longer after our new friends had left.
Thanks, Rebecca and Jennifer, for bringing a spot of English brightness to our day.
4 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
Sounds like a lovely visit! And all the way from England I am glad to hear that you had such a lovely time together + you are all lovely ladies ^^
Are any of your songs currently available on I-tunes? I would love to have some of the songs from Like a Blanket for my I-pod. I cannot find the CD I had and really miss the music.
What a beautiful happening after such a blessed weekend! I talk to people all over the world in my work and there are so many "versions" of the English accent in England alone! Some are like poetry that washes over one's soul much like your music; others...mmm, less so. Kinda like not everyone from New England "pocks the kah"!
It's always been amazing to me how much the English accent is liked by people in other countries. To me, the American accent (and especially the drawl) is really pretty and i have always wanted to visit America to immerse myself in the different cultures (and accents!)
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