Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Smith/Walton Family. Nathan and Meagan. Steve’s Shorn Shorts

Today I became a (temporary) mom to a total of three daughters. Since I always wanted to have more than two children, it looks like this is my lucky week!

Sarah’s friend, Taylor, has an uncle who had a massive heart attack yesterday (he is only 45) and so Taylor’s parents left immediately for Charlotte to be with him. Of course, this is all happening just two weeks after they had to move out of their flood-damaged home so it’s been quite the stressful season for this sweet family. Anyway, Taylor’s mom called me to ask if I might be willing to keep both her daughters for a few days while they’re gone and of course I was happy to lend a hand.

So my week will be happily chock full of extra cooking, and being chauffeur to drama meetings, orthodontist appointments, and church events. I will also specialize in homework assistance, signing test papers, and getting three girls to and from two different school. I realize some of you with multiple children do this every day but humor me here--this is unfamiliar territory for this mother of one. (Well, one child still at home, that is.)

I just got to thinking that if I could round up a few more kids to stay with us this week I could legally call myself Mrs. Walton. I always loved The Waltons and always dreamed of having a large family; however, after two highly complicated (and dangerous) pregnancies the doctor told me I could absolutely not have any more babies. Which didn’t make me very happy, might I add.

But at any rate, that’s what’s goin’ in the Smith/Walton household this week.

Nathan and Meagan Pictures/News

Now let me address the increasingly pleading-esque comments I’ve been getting from my loyal readers about whether I will be posting more Nathan and Meagan wedding pictures. I am honored to know that so many of you would even remember that I said more pictures were coming. And yes, they really are coming! The photographers got swamped the month after Meganate’s wedding so have just recently finished all the edits and mailed the pictures out last week.

I have gotten word from the new Mrs. Smith that within the next day or two she will be posting some of the pictures on Facebook which I will be able to grab and post here. And then sometime during the next week, she’ll be sending me the CD of all the pictures and from that point on, I will be a Wild Wedding Picture Posting Woman.

But before you flee from this blog in terror at the thought of looking at endless wedding photos, I figure what I could do is post a few this week as soon as I get them and then for the next few weeks have Wedding Wednesdays where I’ll post additional pictures each week.

So take heart! The pictures they are a comin’! And I am so excited!

And to answer a few random questions that have come in recently about them:

1) Their honeymoon consisted of a cruise originally set for Mexico but because of a tropical storm, they went to the Bahamas instead. (And yes, Meagan is also going to send me a few honeymoon pictures.)

2) They are absolutely loving married life. I got a picture from them showing the first meal they cooked together as married folks which looked lovely and delicious. And when I talked to Meagan on the phone yesterday (she called me just to tell me what great in-laws we are—wasn’t that sweet?) she said that when Nathan got home from work yesterday afternoon, he was going to rotate the tires on her car. It’s great to see Nathan taking care of Meagan the way Steve has taken care of me.

3) Meagan was gone to a friend’s wedding last week and when she got home, she said Nathan had done a whole bunch of house cleaning. Of course that made my mama heart say, “Awwwww."

4) They recently sat down together and got over 75 wedding thank you notes written and sent. Hurray!

In short, they are a joyfully-joined young couple making an excellent start in their life together; we are so proud of them both.

Steve’s Shorn Shorts (And Scary Face)

Okay. For those of you who have always pictured Steve as a genteel, guitar-pickin’ Southern preacher, the following pictures will doubtless burst your bubble. (Or bust yer bubble, as we are wont to say in the South.)

Let’s examine these pictures carefully, shall we? First of all, please take note of the classy shorts that my husband has donned. (I wish his name were Don because then I could say the shorts that Don has donned but . . . oh well.)

The reason for these “interesting” shorts is that his nice pair of car-fixing shorts were in the laundry and so being a man of great flexibility and creativity, he rummaged through his collection of grubby work jeans, selected an appropriate pair, grabbed some scissors and just whacked ‘em off. Voila! Shorts! Car-fixing shorts! Shorn shorts! What could be finer? (Than to be in Carolina? In the morning?)

But I digress. Here is Picture #1. Please try not to run from your computer screen in fear and terror. I know this is a scary moment in your life.


The next question that may come to mind (now that we have explained the history of the classy shorn shorts) is why this genteel preacher fella is snarling at the camera holding a Mysterious Black Apparatus. What could this possibly mean?


And now? Now it looks as though he is getting ready to visit violence upon the head (and neck) of the Mysterious Black Apparatus. What on earth could the MBA have done to elicit such strong emotion in our favorite, easy going, well-mannered, highly civilized preacher/mechanic/guitar picker/shorts shearer?


Hmmm. Maybe I’ll tell you. And maybe I won’t. Maybe I’ll let you guess. Maybe I’ll let you write your own story and create your own plot to explain this series of disturbing photos.

Yes, indeed. That’s what I’m going to do. Steve and I will read with fascination your very own take on this mysterious scenario.

But before I close, just so that you don’t have to carry these distressing images with you throughout the day, here are a few peaceful pictures that will serve to erase the image of Steve in those (really horrible) shorts committing (really distressing) acts of masculine mechanical mayhem in our driveway. (You can thank me later.)



8 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):

TiffanyH said...

You are welcome to my 3 girls anytime you would like to feel like the Waltons!! :) Never a dull moment at our house with an almost 13 year old, and 2 almost 5 year olds!! :) I hope that everything is OK with Taylor's uncle... will keep him in my prayers!! Have a great week with all your adopted children!!!

MaryH said...

I love the Waltons - still record it every day - simpler times, harder times, but love that show. Also, I will be more than happy (and excited) to see as many wedding pictures as you can post - Nathan is certainly proving to be a wonderful husband - you both taught and loved him well. As far as what Steve is doing and why he is looking "that way" - I don't know......not a clue....

Love Being A Nonny said...

My favorite posts are about Nathan and Meagan. Can't wait!

Deb said...

Love the Waltons! We have 2 biological and 4 adopted, all of them 18 months apart. People looked at us as though we couldn't figure out birth control. Made it fun!
I, for one, can't wait to see the pictures!
My guess is that they are air conditioning hoses for the car. That of course would explain the face, he was warm!

Jenna said...

Becky, what a kind thing for you to help Taylor's family. I am so impressed by how kind and respectful you are to others, and how your entire family is so frequently giving of your time and selves to help others. It reminds me of a Bible verse:
By this all men will know you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13:35.

As to what steve is doing, I have no clue. My best guess is he was smiling brightly while posing for a photo with you of him fixing your vehicle. Then, without warning a gigantic bee flew on his leg, terrorizing him and causing him to shriek out and contort his face- just as you snapped the photo!

Have a great day!
Jenna Hoff

Margie said...

Maybe that was a car stethescope (sp?)& he's going to check the hearts of the cars!

Ann Martin said...

Waiting for more wedding pictures, too. Really liked the pictures of Sarah on 9-11-11. I have a female cat and pup I can send you. Guess I'll keep the male pup. Just let me know when. Have no clue as to what Steve is getting ready to do. I do know whatever it was he did it well and correctly!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear about Taylor's Uncle. Praying that he recovers completely and quickly.

Once upon a time Fashion Designer Steve, aka Jangling Joe the Judo Guy, decide to design a unique belt for his newly fashioned shorts. He quickly grabbed a mysterious black car repair object, gave a jarring Judo Yell, attempting to bend said object to waist size.

Good night, Joe; good night, Becky;
good night, Sarah;
good night, Taylor. good night, Taylor's sister; good night, Snowy


mrs pam