Does anyone know what happened on April 11, 2009?
Give up?
Are you sure?
Okay, I'll tell you.
On April 11, I bravely branched out from Sarah Smith's Spot and started Smithellaneous. (Whose design was paid for by a very dear person who wishes to remain anonymous.)
What is so amazing (to me, at least) is that this is my one hundredth post in three months!
Can you believe that? I am obviously a blog-postin' fool!
What amazes me even more is that the one hundred posts I have written have been about absolutely nothing! I mean, when you think about it, our family is in a major holding pattern right now. We're in limbo, we're not busy and we're not all swooshy and important. Our calendar is no longer filled with so much ink that you can't even see the pages behind the appointments.
And yet I have still somehow managed to write one hundred entries!
About nothing!
It's a gift!
Let's see--some of the titles were: The Sneezing Angel, In the Hallway, A Medusa In Their Midst, The Toilet Paper Stand Off, The Marijuana Shirt, Obeying the Eyeballs, Dithering in the Dressing Room, Biscuits, Realtors, and Faith, May I Borrow Your Busyness, and A Sermon on A Stump.
As all of those wild and wacky titles probably tell you, I truly do enjoy writing and I'm looking forward to continuing it as long as I have even one or two people still dropping by to read the Smithellaneous Miscellaneous Missives.
So thanks for helping me break in this new blog and celebrating with me three months and one hundred entries. And what would be even more celebratory for me is if I could see the Followers List (found to the right) get up past one hundred this week. It's not hard to do--just click on "Follow" and then your name and picture will appear with the current 86 names and pictures of the folks who have already become some of my new best friends! Forever!
It's been fun! It's been real! It's been really fun!
Thanks for joining me on this journey.
Give up?
Are you sure?
Okay, I'll tell you.
On April 11, I bravely branched out from Sarah Smith's Spot and started Smithellaneous. (Whose design was paid for by a very dear person who wishes to remain anonymous.)
What is so amazing (to me, at least) is that this is my one hundredth post in three months!
Can you believe that? I am obviously a blog-postin' fool!
What amazes me even more is that the one hundred posts I have written have been about absolutely nothing! I mean, when you think about it, our family is in a major holding pattern right now. We're in limbo, we're not busy and we're not all swooshy and important. Our calendar is no longer filled with so much ink that you can't even see the pages behind the appointments.
And yet I have still somehow managed to write one hundred entries!
About nothing!
It's a gift!
Let's see--some of the titles were: The Sneezing Angel, In the Hallway, A Medusa In Their Midst, The Toilet Paper Stand Off, The Marijuana Shirt, Obeying the Eyeballs, Dithering in the Dressing Room, Biscuits, Realtors, and Faith, May I Borrow Your Busyness, and A Sermon on A Stump.
As all of those wild and wacky titles probably tell you, I truly do enjoy writing and I'm looking forward to continuing it as long as I have even one or two people still dropping by to read the Smithellaneous Miscellaneous Missives.
So thanks for helping me break in this new blog and celebrating with me three months and one hundred entries. And what would be even more celebratory for me is if I could see the Followers List (found to the right) get up past one hundred this week. It's not hard to do--just click on "Follow" and then your name and picture will appear with the current 86 names and pictures of the folks who have already become some of my new best friends! Forever!
It's been fun! It's been real! It's been really fun!
Thanks for joining me on this journey.

P.S By the way, the reason I posted this particular picture of "Becky the Blogger" is because I got the 100% silk blouse at a thrift store this week. The "new tags" were still on it for $65 but I paid just $7.50. Woo-hoo!
8 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
Hello, my beautiful friend! I'm amazed.. 100 posts in 3 months! AND you continue to post at Sarah's Spot, as well; that's pretty darn wordy. I finally hit 200, but I started my blog in 2006. But it's OK that you're wordy, because your words are all good, and they go together well! Congrats on 100... may your next 100 see you with 100 more followers and a profitable blog!
So glad we met.. (online AND IRL.. ha, Sue!)
Yay for the 100th post! Congrats :) I love the way your write, and I enjoyed every single entry your wrote!
Looking forward to reading more of your words!
I don't know, Becky. $7.50 could buy a lot of Spam...Ha Ha. Really, 100% silk! Now that makes sense to me. More sense than Spam could ever make. Even with Velveeta thrown in. Or should I say especially with Velveeta thrown in.
Oops, just read Pam D's nasty little dig about meeting you in real life. Do you see how she starts trouble EVERY SINGLE TIME, Becky???? You are always blaming me, but Pam started it. Again. First here, then on Facebook, and now back here again. I'm going to take my toys and leave!
But not before I congratulate you on 100 extraordinary opportunities to peek into your life and share just a bit of the joy (and sometimes not so much joy) with you. I admire not only your gift as a writer, but your creativity in thinking up wonderful vignettes to share.
Thanks, friend. And, Pam, if cyber friend is all I ever reach, it will be okay with me because I have gained so much from my friendship with both Becky and you that it fills me up to the top and spills over my heart every single day.
(Now, don't you feel bad about how you treat me??)
Yes, you are by far the best blogging Becky by far my friend! We have enjoyed keeping up with your amazing takes on life, love and laughter> I am now coining that phrase the TripL's......My posts are few and far between, but I do love to pass along a smile. This old world has enough to frown about, and it is a delight to read your posts and crack a smile or two.
May God's richest blessings follow you all, and overtake you at your greatest time of need.
I cant believe its been 3 months! Time flies by so fast. I hope you keep blogging Becky. I come here often to get away from things. You always lighten up my heart
I love that blouse! :)
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