We talked to Snowy's doctor on the way home from Manteo and the first bit of news we heard was that Snowy had removed his own catheter! (A self service patient.)
After I got done wincing a little over the "ouch factor" involved in that sort of maneuver, I was actually kind of encouraged because it sounded to me like he was getting a little of his pep for life back. Up to that point, he had been so listless and demoralized and seemed to have given up the fight. Pulling out a catheter takes a lot of spirit! He was basically saying, "Look people. I am so over this place!"
And then the doctor told us he'd been eating a lot better today and had had a bowel movement and was doing better urinating. (Sorry if this is too much information, but at this point in our life, we just feel pretty jolly about those kinds of details.)
So here's the good news! If nothing changes overnight, the three of us will head out tomorrow morning for our Fetching the Fine Furry Fella Foray. I'll be sure to get pictures of the reunion.
I'm sure he will be traumatized for a while since he's just gone through the worst three days of his life; Sarah and I have many plans in place for holding him and petting him endlessly. He will be one spoiled doggy.
I can't tell you how worried we have been and how dreary life was looking for us if he hadn't pulled through this. Most dogs go home the next morning after this surgery but he just wasn't bouncing back; yesterday, we were concerned about whether or not he would even survive.
After that phone call from the hospital this afternoon, however, our gloomies have been replaced by a big ol' dose of Snowy Happiness.
Hallelujah and hooray!
The question was asked how old Snowy is. On October 31st, he will turn ten. We got him when he was just a few weeks old and he traveled with us to about thirty-five states, "helped" me home school the kids, and nursed Sarah through cancer treatment. For those of you who have pets of your own, you know what I mean what I say he is a beloved member of our family.
Look Both Ways
1 year ago
16 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
Best news I've heard all day! I'm so relieved Snowy is doing better. I've been checking in periodically for updates. WHEW! Good news like this calls for chocolate! :)
Truly awesome news. We rejoice with y'all. Give Snowy a big love-pat from me.
jenny in idaho
What a relief. I've been worried about Snowy and his family all day. I understand exactly what you have been going through and am so happy to hear that he turned the corner. Elaine
Praise God!!!!! Woohoo thank you Jesus! I'm so happy for you all.
Had not had the chance to read your blog since the incident with Snowy started. Just read them and I'm so thankful Snowy is better. I know the meaning of pets in the family. We had our beloved cat of 12 plus years to die about 5 years ago. We have another cat and a dog now. The dog will be 2 on January 16 and has been a joy. The cat is jealous and we are having problems. Need help with the problem of not using the liter box to urinate. The "vet" has put her on meds and special food. Now they think it is a behavioral problem--jealousy. I am about ready to get rid of her and hate to do that. Thank God for Snowy's recovery. Hug him for me. I hate we missed seeing him when we visited a couple of weeks ago.
I couldn't wait to get home from work, log on, and check on Snowy. I'm so pleased he is bouncing back to his sweet self! What a gift and thank goodness this weekend is over for you :)
Oh no! Poor Snowy! I have two labradors and I can't imagine life without them!
With pet insurance, they may not insure you for any pre-existing conditions, so if he develops any problems in this area again they won't be covered. Even so, pet insurance is invaluable; when Ben ripped his knee joint it was a great comfort knowing they were there if we needed the cover (luckily, we didn't).
My thoughts are with you all and Snowy and sending you big hugs and wishes for his speedy recovery!
Sorry I haven't commented lately; I read every day but rarely have anything witty enough to say as a comment. I have, however, been using your recipes, so thank you. Maybe you could start a separate recipe blog (although, with your move and everything else, you probably won't have time).
Also, good luck on the potential house move.
I was quite worried about Snowy after yesterday's update. I was even afraid to check for an update this morning. He will be so much better after he sees all of you!
My little doggie was getting extra treats and attention yesterday. Our furry friends have a special place in our hearts!
I'm looking forward to the reunion pictures.
mrs pam
Couldn't wait to check for an update this morning. We're all rooting for you Snowy. Can't wait to see the happy reunion pictures.
Praise God for the better news! Snowy is definitely telling them in his doggie way that it is time to head home to be snuggled and spoiled. I completely understand the heartache of a four legged family member who is ill and may not make it. I have endured that with three cats, two Greyhounds, two horses and one loving guinea pig! Some are still with us, others are at the Rainbow Bridge waiting for us and one lucky horse was retired to a farm in Sunnyville, Georgia and is loved dearly by another young girl. Way to go Snowy! I was worried all weekend but just didn't have time to check. Hope your trip to Snowy is a safe one - can't wait for the pictures.
Hallelujah! Brave little pooch pulling that tube out - ouch!
Love, Guerrina
"He's never early and He's never late..."
Anxiously awaiting to hear (er, read) of more Snowy happiness ...
YAY!!! I am so happy to hear that Snowy has turned a corner. Pets are beloved family members indeed, and it's heartbreaking when they are not well. It's so wonderful that Snowy has bounced back!
For the issue of financing vet bills: if CareCredit is not an option, you might ask if the vet would be willing to work out a payment plan with you. When my kitty had lymphoma last year, the vet was kind enough to let me pay down his bills in monthly installments.
All the best--Denise
I've had minimal to no computer time the last two days, and it appears I have missed way too much. I am so pleased to hear that Snowy has bounced back and will be returning home, healthy and happy to be back among the people he loves.
The kind of love that exists from our pets and for our pets is irreplaceable. I rejoice with so many others that your little buddy has weathered this storm.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
So glad to hear that your beloved, furry family member is so much better! Enjoy every moment with him!
Debbie Haskell
Sacramento, CA
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