Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Eaglet Has Landed

At 11:10 pm yesterday, Nathan walked up the steps to his new house. The home that he has never before seen.

He loved the entry way/living room/dining room area. (These pictures were taken before a recent dinner with friends.)

He made some prerequisite, affectionate, brotherly, snide comments about the immense size of Sarah's room.

Then he finally made it to his own room.

He lay down on his bed and, without a second's delay, we all piled onto the bed with him. Unfortunately, four people and a dog on a queen sized bed made for a bit of a crowded situation so we trooped down to the living room instead. We talked and laughed till about 1 am, at which time, I took my fatigue-encrusted body off to bed. (After sharing a good night hug with my favorite son.)

So happy my eaglet has landed. . . .

7 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):

Anonymous said...

I had to laugh to myself when I saw Nathan's room compared to Sarah's... :)
Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Jessica Kramasz said...

I love your dining room! Was that your old furniture? Were you so fortunate that it fits/looks perfect there?

Lisa L. from GA said...

I, too am glad you eaglet is home! Have a merry, merry Christmas!

Beverly said...

I wish our kids could stay babies forever...

Alaska Girl said...

Welcome home, Nathan! Because we all know, a house isn't a home unless your family's there! Merry Christmas, Smiths!

Anonymous said...

So glad that Nathan is home...safe and sound. It must be such a great feeling to have all 5 of the Smith's together again!

Can't wait to hear (and see pictures!) about the annual Christmas tree decorating and pancake supper.

By the way, I just LOVE your home. Everything looks so well in there. I know you mentioned that you didn't like the yellow paint, but i think it looks good with everything. But, you are right...the blue carpet should be taken out.

Blessings to you all!!

Boise, ID

Pam D said...

Becky, it's just beautiful! And you pulled it all together for the holidays.. I am amazed and impressed. I would still be sitting on a crate, staring at endless boxes. You're already entertaining, too, and now the whole Smith family is together. Life is good... and God is, too...