It’s turning into a busier than usual day around the Smith abode.
We’re sterilizing and filling bottles with clean drinking water to go along with the many gallons we’ve bought. We’ll fill both bathtubs with water for flushing toilets and I’m in the throes of baking and cooking stuff that can be frozen, thawed and easily reheated on a grill. (Thankfully our neighbors have a generator and said we could run a power line over there to keep our fridge running.) Steve is currently outside with the chainsaw doing whatever it is that men with chainsaws do outside before storms.
Of course, I consider chocolate to be as necessary as flashlights, batteries and drinking water.
Sarah and I went out for a few things this morning and I snapped some pictures along the way.
This is the front of our grocery store. . .
. . and the stores next to the grocery store.
After getting our groceries, we drove past a lovely bed and breakfast near the bay that sported this sign.
I’ve always loved looking at this particular bed and breakfast whenever I’ve driven by; it’s even lovely with some of its windows boarded shut.
A few blocks away in downtown Manteo, we saw this sign on a favorite restaurant.
Another couple blocks away, I parked and took a few pictures of brave flowers who have no idea that their short, beautiful lives are about to end.
Beautiful and brave. Quite an epitaph.
This path led to Manteo’s replica of the Queen Elizabeth; it’s tied down as securely as possible but of course there are no guarantees it’ll be still be there by tomorrow at this time.
A few boats tied near the Queen Elizabeth.
And my patient daughter waiting in the van for her camera happy mama to return.
As you’ve probably surmised, we have decided to not evacuate. We are going to weather the storm in our church which is completely free of tall trees on three sides, has a second floor in case of flooding and is one of the higher points on the island. So with wind toppled trees and flooding being the two biggest safety concerns, we feel like we are covering both of those bases pretty well.
Also as pastors, Steve and I very much want to stay near our flock and our community and be able to lend helping hands—practical, spiritual, or otherwise—to those who will need it in the hours and days following the storm.
So unless something changes that we’re not anticipating, we’re here for the duration.
I’ll update as I can . . .
19 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
Please stay safe♥
thinking of you and wishing you well, be safe.....
nancy irving
toronto, ontario, canada
Stay safe; praying for this storm to pass you by or at least abate before it comes ashore.
Praying for all of you. Stay safe!
Also thinking of you, Smith family! I am monitoring Manteo on the weather map! Stay safe and secure!
Ann O.
As you might imagine I am glued to the news today. Stay safe and hopefully it won't be as bad as they say. Thanks for the updates.
Cindy from Sonoma
Keeping everyone in the path of this storm in my thoughts and prayers!
I will remain glued to news and trust God for your safety as you've prepared as best as possible...okay except for ignoring the word "mandatory" right next to evacuation. :) Then again, you are mandated by the Lord to watch over the flock He's given you.
Love you,
My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family. Please stay safe!
Be safe!
Dee from Tennessee
Thanks for the update and what GREAT pics -- I can't imagine living in such a beautiful place!!
Be safe!! Praying it passes by with minimal damage. My husband is in NJ for the month, never imagined he would endure an earthquake and a hurricane up there. Hope it weakens and fizzles out. Jill-FL
looks like you have calmly made a choice to weather the storm, and are quite prepared. my friends at the bridge table were discussing how dogs could tell when hurricanes were approaching. Hope Snowy is calm, too.
of course.... praying for you and your neighbors
mrs pam
Living here in central FL, we've weathered a few of these storms! We got whomped bad by three storms in a row in 2004, and I remember having no power for a week, as well as mass destruction and curfews in place. Not fun! We made it through safely though, and pray you will too!
In Africa, my family uses 20 Gal plastic garbage cans to hold water for the toliets. We do this to conserve on power for the water pumps. It takes the 3 big guys to carry the full cans into the house after the fill it from the well. That might give you more water, say for spong baths.
Praying for a safe hurricane... if you can call any hurricane safe.
Praying for your safety, Becky, Steve, Sarah and Snowy!
Is Nathan and Meagan in a safe area as well? And the rest of the Hawley (and Joy's Family).
Love and prayers!
You're in my prayers - stay safe!
Prayers for everyone's safety!
Hugs and Blessings,
I'll be praying that you are safe.
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