Steve is down at CVS getting a flu shot.
Sarah is doing the dishes.
Snowy is "helping" Sarah with dishes.
I am preparing to do a brief update before grabbing a book and falling thankfully into bed. (On a heated mattress pad, which is one of the world's best inventions since chocolate.)
But enough of all that trivial trivia. You're probably waiting to hear how the Day at Duke went. Well then, here is a brief, pictorial report.
The day started with a blood draw.

Followed by an eye appointment.

And a walk down a path . . .

. . . and down some steps to a different building

Then there was an elevator ride . . .

. . . followed by a walk to another building for her MUGA test injection

Which included more needles

And radioactive materials. (Which should just increase her natural glow.)

It also included a picture taken in the changing room by her goofy mother.

Then came the scan itself

And then a walk back to the first building for a hearing test . . .

. . . and pulmonary function test

Then it was on to radiology for a chest x-ray

From there, we walked to the treatment room to wait for her oncologist and nurse practitioner.

And wait . . . .

She took some pictures to pass the time. I was a handy target. (I think she calls it "revenge.")

The doctor and nurse practitioner arrived. Conversation ensued. An exam was done. Results were discussed.

Then it was time for the annual picture with Sarah and Dr. Driscoll

The day ended with Sarah and me both getting double flu shots.

Please try not to be TOO jealous of the "Michelle Obama Upper Arms" that I'm displaying.
Some comforting hand holding went on during the getting of the aforementioned shots. I comforted her and then she comforted me. We're a pretty good team in that regard.
And the medical bottom line from the whole day? Do you really want do know? You do?
Okay then. Here it is.
Dr. Driscoll said that Sarah is one of his most boring patients ever! As he flipped through all of her results from the day, this is what we heard.
Blood work: Perfect
Eyesight: Perfect in one eye, better than perfect in the other
Pulmonary Function Test: Improved markedly from last year; in fact, Sarah has made it up into the low normal range after being way below normal for seven years.
Chest X-Ray: Normal
Hearing: No change. (Which is good because post-transplant change is usually NOT for the better.)
Heart Test: No change. Another MUGA is not needed for at least two years
Hormone levels: Perfect
And the most incredible news about that? Dr. Driscoll said when looking at her current hormone levels that he wouldn't be at ALL surprised if she is able to conceive children after all. We were told for seven years that she wouldn't be able to, because of the damage to her ovaries from chemo.
THAT happy news brought tears to this mama's eyes, just like it brought tears to my eyes when were told before transplant that she would be infertile.
Basically, Dr. Driscoll just said that she is doing fantastic, is happily normal, and completely boring. (In a medical sense, of course.)
So with no huge medical issues to discuss, he sat and chewed the fat with us for a while, reminisced a little about transplant days, asked how Nathan was doing, inquired about Steve, and just generally treated Sarah like the wonderful "non-patient" she is!
I am thrilled beyond words to have a medically boring child sleeping under our roof tonight. I am happy that we get to end Sarah Smith Day with thanksgivings.
Now bring on the heated mattress pad and the book. The mother of the marvelously boring child is headed for bed . . . rejoicing (and yawning) all the way.

35 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
Thank you, Lord. What a wonderfully boring update (not really; actually, it was pretty interesting). And the possibility of Sarah being a mom brings tears to MY eyes. She's had training from one of the best, so I know she would be awesome.
God is good... and sometimes, life here on earth is, too.
big smiles from Georgia...
Funny, the older Sarah appears each year in her picture, the younger Dr. Driscoll looks. Wonder why that is?
Congratulations to Sarah on the great news. She always has such a wonderful attitude no matter what is going on around her or to her. I could learn a lot from that girl.
And, Becky, thanks for the vignettes from the past. They remain my favorite of all your writing. Something about that heart connection that gets me every time.
That was the most UN-boring post I have read! God is so good...and GREAT..and AWESOME! Enjoy your boring daughter :)
I have never wanted to Praise The Lord more for such a boring child! I am so thankful that He is still in the healing business!
Wow. Thank God for "boring" news and miracles.
Boring days like today are awesome!
Great news and thanks for sharing.
Sarah looks adorable today. :+)
Connie F-G
Great news!!!
Ok, more tears! How absolutely wonderful to hear such good "boringly normal" news! Thanks for sharing it so quickly with us. Enjoy your heated mattress pad - you deserve it!
I am so very happy for you, Sarah, Steve and Nathan. (and Snowy :)...a fantastic list of good results!
I love it!
Every year when we go in, even though we know with Kirsten having had "only" a Wilms Tumor, we
too are very happy for boring!
I am thrilled that Princess Groovy Chick is happy and healthy and growing and living just as she should!
Congrats! xoxo
Rejoicing for BORING! Wonderful news.... Sarah is a beautiful healthy teenager. God is good :)
Awesome news! Praise the Lord.
Sandy (your cousin)
Rejoicing and giving thank with you!
Yay, boring!!!!!! Rejoicing with you all. (Uh oh, is that a southern expression creeping into this midwesterner's vocabulary?
Jan from Ohio
Happy dancing!
PTL for "boring" medical visits because there is NOTHING boring about awesome Sarah.
I bet you all slept extremely well after getting such wonderful news!
Thank you Lord for such great news!
Thanks, Becky, for sharing the great news. Anna
Thank God! I am so happy to hear the wonderfully boring news!!! Sarah is just amazing! What a beauty and so awesome! I LOVE that last picture of her! She looks like a future mama! Way future that is! :)
Love, Hugs & Prayers Always!
Awesome News. Every year should be a boring year on the medical front.
And I really hope Sarah can still have children some day. She has such a bright future.
Good things continue to come your way!!!
BORING, BORING, BORING! HOORAY, HOORAY, HOORAY! And thank you Lord! What great news about the possibility of Sarah's grandbabies some day! Her future is just glowing....that was not a pun! Well, this update just helped chase the horrible rain clouds and storms away in my area - it appears to be sunny now - if only in my heart and mind.
This is such wonderful news -- I love this type of boring news!!
Praise the Lord. How awesome is that. I am so happy for all of you.
God is good....
Hugs from Iowa,
Thank you, Lord! What a wonderful post and, Becky, you're looking great in the photos! Ciao ~ Guerrina
This is awesome news. Yeah for boring!
Wonderful news. Praise God!!
Such wonderful news Sarah! Congratulations on the perfect ending to Sarah Smith Day! Those really 'boring' patients must be so gratifying to the medical professionals, and your Dr. Driscoll, for all that he has done for you Sarah, is priceless!
Boring is good! We love boring!!!
Great post, and super cool news. yay!
So glad to hear that Sarah is boring! Jill
What AWESOME news!!
I know that what is most important is having Sarah here, healthy, (and boring), but the news about potentially being able to conceive is icing on the survivorship cake!! It DOES happen - I'm a childhood cancer survivor with a healthy, happy 4 year old!
Congratulations Sarah!!
Praising God for safe travels and AWESOME news on Sarah!
and again I say rejoice!!!!
mrs pam
That is SUCH great news, all around. I know it's been made even sweeter to have hope where there was none before. Congrats!
Congratulations!!! Super Great News!
What wonderful news! Sarah is certainly an inspiration to all! I am sure that God has wonderful plans in store for Sarah, she is a special person indeed! Hugs to all 5 of the Smiths (Snowy included!)
Linda in Pittsburgh
I have a great idea for your bbq cups. Line the pan with paper liners that you use for cupcakes. then add the biscuit and all the other ingredents. I think that may work, and cut down on it sticking to the pan and the messy clean-up????
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