Snowy had a good night!
He ate a teeny little bit of food this morning and is keeping it down so far. The vet is still waiting on one of the pancreatic tests to come back, but she thinks that his most recent and urgent problems (vomiting, no eating, etc) are diet-related.
She’s going to keep him in the hospital most of the day and keep I.V. fluids going; if all goes well, we can pick him up mid afternoon. He’ll be sent home on an antibiotic, Prednisone, and a liver medicine; she said he’d have to stay on the liver med for the rest of his life.
She’s also putting him on an entirely different “medical diet” from the “medical diet” he’s been on for the past year.
But we can deal with lots of meds and new diets. He’s alive! He’s coming home!
May I just add that it’s pretty easy to tell who the popular member of the Smith family is. When I checked the page view counter at 10 am, it was already at the number that usually takes until early afternoon to reach. In other words, you guys are checkin’ in on him often.
He’ll be so pleased to hear that.
21 Had Something To Say (Just click here!):
We're still praying for him! ♥
(I had literally hit submit on my last post and then saw your new one!)
Prayers answered! I knew he would have a good night and I know you can't wait to get him home and spoil him some more. I'm so very happy for all of you. May he continue to do well!
Cindy in VA
checking in on Snowy. I checked this morning, came back and 2 more post. Great news!! Still praying!
What a wonderful Christmas present it will be for Snowy to be recovering and home with his family! Lots of prayers being sent for all of you.
So sorry to hear about all Snowy's medical issues but glad he's going to get home to his loving dad and mamas soon. My beloved kitty had a terrible bout of pancreatitis earlier this year too. She was so sick but survived (actually she's having surgery today, for unrelated reasons).
I so empathize with what you guys are going through because it is so hard to watch a loved creature suffer. Best of luck with your Snowy.
Glad to hear that Snowy had a good night and is doing better! It is so hard when a special family member is not feeling well. Hoping that Snowy feels even better when he gets home!
Debbie H. in Sacramento
Wonderful! It's an early Christmas present straight from the hands of Jesus!
So glad to hear Snowy is coming home and he is doing better. We lost our dog in February and it was so much tougher than I had expected and I even cried decorating our tree recently because of his ornaments. They are a part of the family and I had prayed for Snowy to get better and for you to have a lot more time with him! Wonderful news!
Thank you, Lord. Snowy is a strong little guy, for sure and I am still hoping and praying for the best results and many more years of Snowyness. It is so difficult when one of our four-legged family members is sick or injured. The fill our homes and hearts more than we can ever imagine until we have to think they may not return. I'm hoping for a Christmas miracle of health for us, just as we received one over the weekend for my mom. Keep getting stronger, Snowy. Hope Sarah is okay and not too worried, along with all the rest of Snowy's family.
You go Snowy :) Happy for the good news as well!
Praying for my little fur friend
This is so hard I know. I just went through it in October. The thing is, you will know when enough is enough. I didn't believe that I would because I love all my dogs so much. But, there comes a point when you don't want them to suffer and you will know. I hope that time isn't for several years. I really will pray for that. I would like to help donate toward the medical bills so please email me at
If there are ways to keep him happy and somewhat healthy without suffering, then that is wonderful news. - Take care and love and kisses to that sweet little dog.
YAY that Snowy is coming home!! Puppy prayers will continue that the new diet will work and he'll continue to do well. (Guilty for running that counter up. I checked 5 times this morning!)
Awwwww Snowy! I'm so happy that you are feeling better!! That is fantastic news!!
Attaboy Snowy!!!!
Thank you God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So glad the news is good at this point. Prayers continue for all. Take care and God be with you every step of the way. Hope Snowy is home by now.
Hopefully another member of the Smith Family showing us that hope, love and prayers can come good - i think snowy gets his "brave" from his 'mum' & 'sister'. Sending my love & prayers to you all and extra hugs to snowy. I know that you will all cherish every single step along those extra miles together.
Nicky (Lake District, England)
HUGS to all of you and Snowy!! :) Even tho I have not posted until today, I have read the updates on Snowy!
of course, I've been thinking about Sweet Snowy all day, and had to check on him first thing when I got home.
Snowy, sure hope you are home fluffing the rugs and snuggling on your red blanket. I really love you, little guy... in case you didn't know!
woof and prayers from mrs. pam
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